A Society of Justice

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   I was in the medical room at base for about a week before I was finally cleared to leave. That same day was the first meeting of the new league, which Shigaraki had been telling everybody to prepare for. I met up with Touya, who was already prepared for the meeting. He smiled when he saw me. "Hey, good to see you're finally on your feet again." He said, pulling me into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around him, smiling.
   "It feels so much better than I thought it would, I hated every second of being trapped in that room." I replied. Touya made sure to keep the conversation short, telling me to go get dressed for the meeting. I did so and met back up with Touya once I was finished. He led me to where the rest of the league was already waiting, all of them but Shigaraki.
   "Tomura's already on stage, we just have to wait for our cue to join him." Toga told me, smiling. I nodded, going over to cling onto Touya.
   About 10 minutes later Shigaraki called out for us. Once we were on stage he started speaking again, "The people who just joined me on stage are Dabi, Toga Himiko, Spinner, Mr. Compress, Magne, Twice, Kurogiri, and Hawks, your lieutenants and your superiors in every way. Any disobedience towards them means disobediance to me, resulting in your death. You will listen to their commands as much as you listen to mine without question." Shigaraki explained.
   ReDestro excitedly wheeled himself towards Shigaraki, "Shall we have you reveal our new name now?" He asked Shigaraki, who just sighed in response to him.
   "Everybody in this room is now a part of our army, the Paranormal Liberation Front. You will risk your life for our cause or die a meaningless death. We will show the heroes just how much they've failed society. We'll get our revenge on those who have shunned us, we will take back our lives." Shigaraki finished. The crowd cheered for him as he started to walk off, the rest of the former league following him.
   "This is so exciting!" Toga exclaimed as soon as we were off stage.
   "Indeed it is Toga, this is the start of our brand new society. A true society of justice."
The Paranormal Liberation Front's plans had been moving along smoothly. Slowly but steadily the world was starting to turn into our vision. Corrupt heroes were being taken care of while new ones who could better help society rose into higher ranks. I couldn't complain with life living with the front, it's actually a fairly good living space. The former league had our own part of the base that was seperate from everybody else so we lived just like always.
Shigaraki had given the ok for us to move Itona into base so he's finally staying with us again rather than the Todoroki family. I can tell they were reluctant but knew they had no say as he was Touya and I's child. I think Itona was enjoying his life here fairly well. He barely cried, except when he was hungry or needed a diaper change, and was constantly laughing and wanting to play with front members. He was a little over 5 months old and was already turning into an incredible person.
   The Paranormal Liberation Front was going out on another mission today, Shigaraki told Touya and I to sit this one out as Itona had been feeling sick the past couple days. Once they left Touya and I spent the day putting our focus into making sure Itona was ok. We put him down to sleep and relaxed on the couch, knowing we wouldn't get too much peace and we had to enjoy it while we could.
   I wrapped my arms around Touya's waist, relaxing as he put his arms around me, holding me up. "Do you think you'd ever want another kid in the future?" Touya asked me out of nowhere.
   I looked up at him, smiling, "I think I would. I actually kind of enjoyed being pregnant with Itona in some ways, I don't think I'd mind doing it again to bring another mini you into the world. Why, do you?"
   Touya nodded, "I think so, not for a while though. Things with the front are just starting to get serious. I think that bringing another kid into this right now wouldn't be a good idea. I'd like to wait until Japan's in a better state."
   "I agree, we need to make sure they'll grow up in a better world than we did." I replied. Touya placed a kiss on my forehead right as the door blew open, revealing ReDestro wheeling himself into the room.
   "Where's Shigaraki?" He asked, looking at Touya and I.
   "He's not here, he left for a mission." Touya replied. I heard Itona start crying in the other room and sighed, getting up to go take care of him. "Good job, you fucking woke up the kid." Touya spat at ReDestro as I left the room. I picked up Itona, softly starting to rock him back and forth in my arms. He wasn't calming down so I carried him to the kitchen, knowing that chances are food would calm him down. He was a lot like me in that sense.
I gave Itona a bottle and he started eating, calming down almost instantly, making me laugh. Touya joined us in the kitchen, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing a soft kiss on my cheek. "I can already tell he's going to have your personality. He's already so much like you." Touya said, making me smile. Seconds later Shigaraki and the others started walking through the door, smiles spread across their faces.
"I'm assuming things went well?" I asked Shigaraki who nodded in response.
"We're closer than ever before to running all of the useless heroes out of the ranks along with our biggest threats in villains. A little more time and things may just work exactly as we want them to." Shigaraki said, looking up at me with bright eyes.
Shigaraki's been working harder than practically everyone, clearing the ranks of the corrupt heroes to make room for just ones that are with our cause. Along with getting rid of any villain that may cause any issues to our plans. His hard work was paying off, in under a year the plan should be fulfilled and things should get better. I was looking forward to this new future that we're bulding, the world was finally starting to look bright.

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