She was the only person here who knew of Nancy's unsavory past.

Nancy's brazen actions were, in fact, unsurprising since she knew that Somi was still present in one corner of Lisa's heart...

This woman seemed to have lost her mind due to sorrow. She cried and kicked up a fuss in the cemetery before fainting from exhaustion not long after.

During their journey back to the mansion, Jennie sat in the passenger's seat of Lisa's car while Nancy slept soundly in the back seat.

The three of them had slowly but surely returned to their original state of coexistence.

Lisa had taken both women to watch a circus performance in. this manner during Christmas one year.

These three individuals had a delicate relationship with each other.. Before Jennie returned to Luo Hai from Xi Fan, the person who was by Lisa's side was Somi. Thus, Somi had always been regarded as Lisa's childhood

Jennie was considered her successor.

Due to that, the young Jennie was extremely confident in
herself. In her mind, it did not matter who loved him first because only one person would win out in the end.

Perhaps Lisa did not understand the true meaning of love when he was younger. Although Somi had been by his side for more than a decade, he still thought of her as his little sister.

Conversely, Lisa had just entered his youth when she arrived. Moreover, he also happened to meet her at that age...

Jennie had never thought that Lisa might have chosen
Somi if she had neither followed him to England nor pestered him the same way Little Ginger Fur Ball hung around Briquet...

Unknowingly, her chaotic thoughts caused her emotions to manifest onto her face.

When he saw that Jennie beside him looked unwell, Lisa gripped the steering wheel with one hand and held her hand with the other. His large hand was warm and dry as heat continuously radiated. from his palm.

"Drive safely!"

Jennie pulled her hand away and fixed her collar while her gaze drifted off into the distance.

Lisa laughed bitterly to himself. He had been given the cold shoulder. It was inevitable that she would grow up one day. No longer would Jennie be a fearless person who insisted on having her own way when it came to love.

The car drove down a winding path that led to Luo Hai's Manoban Family mansion. Jennie thought to herself that she must have traveled along this road several thousand times before.

The scenery was the same but everyone was in an unusually melancholic mood.


Lisa and Jennie returned to the Hibiscus Garden after
sending Nancy home.

The moonlight was bright and clear. The ground was slightly slippery as it had just rained so Lisa held his wife's waist firmly as they walked across the lawn.

The fresh scent of soil permeated through the air. May was supposed to be a month when everything came back to life but it had been filled with a succession of deaths instead.

"Lisa, if I hadn't pestered you in the beginning..." Jennie suddenly paused her steps while her pupils seemed as though they were filled with stars.

"You would still be Mrs. Manoban! Don't let your imagination run wild." Jennie's sentence was cut off quickly as Lisa already knew what she was about to say.

Jennie contracted her body in his warm embrace while her gaze was filled with confusion.

Apparently, her heart could still be swayed by Lisa.

After becoming aware of the relationship between him and Somi, Mu Chenyan had initially assumed that she would slowly give up chasing him and distance herself from Lisa. However, she had instead discovered that whenever she encountered situations like this, her first response would be that she was afraid of losing...

The Hibiscus Garden

When Ah Fu took the suit jacket from Lisa that he had taken off, she murmured, "Since the weather is cold and it's been raining the entire day, I boiled some chicken soup. Once Mistress has showered, come downstairs and I'll have it ready..."

Jennie had already walked towards the corner of the stairs when she suddenly heard Lisa say, "Ah Fu, throw that suit away!"

His voice was frosty and devoid of a single hint of warmth as though he had put up with these clothes for a very long time.

Ah Fu was shocked. A troubled expression appeared on her face when she looked at the black suit in her hands.

After being by his side for three years, Ah Fu knew that the Young Master was extremely particular about his clothes. All of his suits were custom-made by hand and worth several hundred thousand...

"Young Master, you're probably just upset that these nice clothes are dirty. I'll take them to be washed and I'll properly iron them..."

"Nonsense. If I tell you to throw them away, just do it!"

Jennie had never seen Lisa behave this way before.

Ah Fu was startled. She jogged the whole way and stuffed the suit into a garbage bag before she placed it in the garbage bin at the entrance.

Lisa snatched a white towel and gently wiped his chin as Nancy's hair had stroked that area in the afternoon...

"Why haven't you gone upstairs yet?" Lisa returned to his usualnaristocratic manner when he came upstairs and noticed that his wife was standing there, lost in a daze. He was humble and gentle now, as though the man who had recently demanded in an extremely disgusted tone for his suit jacket to be thrown away earlier was a completely different person.

"They were such nice clothes..." Jennie could not comprehend Lisa's unpredictability either.

"It's not a big deal. I didn't want them anymore because they were dirty. If Mistress is upset, I'll go out and work hard to earn more money."

Lisa said this as though he was really worried that Jennie
was upset. "Mistress will be in charge of managing our household funds in the future. I can earn money but I don't know how to manage it. As a matter of fact, I just wasted several hundred thousand today!"

Jennie was amused by his false modesty.. She coyly whined, "You sound as though you really mean it!"


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now