Jennie did not want to argue with Nancy because her
mother had recently died. She simply said, "Yanni and I have never spoken to each other before!"

Nancy was speechless.

Jennie glanced at Nancy with a meaningful gaze before
she left.


Lisa sent Yan Jun over to handle the following matters while he drove to the military hospital headquarters instead.

Minho had dispatched his staff to wait for Lisa at the
entrance immediately after he had received a phone call from him.

Lisa had a gloomy expression on his face. When he saw Minho, he flatly asked, "Third Uncle, how is Ye Kun?"

Minho had never fully understood his nephew. Ye Kun was already at death's door when he was sent here. However, Lisa never told his Third Uncle of this man's identity but had only asked him to protect his life.

Aside from being poisoned, Ye Kun had also suffered a severe psychological impediment. He would only speak when Lisa visited him while other people could not even dream of prying his mouth open.

Lisa would come and visit this man with a mysterious identity every few days.

Minho readjusted his glasses. He walked with Lisa towards the recovering ward. "He'll need at least two more months to be restored to the normal physiological standard. Since he's already formed a resistance towards benzodiazepines and pyridoxine, for the time being, we'll discuss this again at a later point when we see his reactions after we take him off these drugs."

Lisa did not understand the technical aspects but he trusted in Minho fully. "Third Uncle, you can just go ahead and proceed according to your treatment plan."

"Lalisa, I suggest that he continues with his therapy once he's discharged from the hospital. We're unable to assist you in the psychological aspects but there are different specialists for each field," Minho added.

Lisa nodded. "I'm aware of this. If this poisoning case had not happened, I was initially planning to take him to Taiwan for a psychological consultation."

Minho became even more curious when he saw how much
Lisa cared about this man.

"Lisa, can you tell me his real identity? I was thinking that Ye Kun probably isn't his real name, right?"

Minho had been calm and composed all along. It was not as though he was unaware of the secret scramble for power that was going on throughout the entire Manoban Family. Rather, he preferred immersing himself in his research. Thus, he minded his own business and made sure that his son and daughter did the same because he did not want to become involved in this.

Minho took on the reins of supporting and sheltering his Big Brother's orphaned son. Lisa had been close to him when he was younger. However, it became harder for him to understand his nephew as he grew older.

Lisa looked at his uncle with cold eyes. He spoke in a deep voice, "You're right, uncle. That isn't his real name. Father gave him this name in the past."

Minho was shocked. "Big Brother?"

Very few people would voluntarily mention Dongwook in front of Lisa.

Lisa faintly nodded.

Losing his father at a young age allowed the young prodigy named Lisa to mature early on. His thoughts were so meticulous that he was considered to be nearly inhuman while his style of completing tasks was to always decide and act on his own. Minho was not hoping that Lisa would tell him the exact details but he was
shocked when he heard that there was a connection between Ye Kun and his Big Brother.

Not only were there nurses in Ye Kun's intensive care ward every day but Lisa had also sent two of his most trusted aides to guard him.

The Zong He incident was a lesson. Lisa was willing to pay the. price for his mistakes but Ye Kun only had one life.

L5 turned to his Third Uncle and said, "I'll go in by myself.
Third Uncle, you can get back to work."

Minho nodded. This unique patient had never said a single word to anyone even when he was in pain. He could tell that he only trusted Lisa.

The in-patient ward that was specially set up for this man was three times as big as a normal ward. It even had its own toilet and washroom, as well as a separate little kitchen.

The nurse was busy cooking millet and pumpkin porridge for Ye Kun in the kitchen.

This tall and muscular man had been unable to eat anything when he was first admitted into the hospital due to his intense spasms and because he had gotten his stomach pumped. He was 180cm tall but only weighed 60kg. Both of his eyes were also swollen. During the
following month of treatment, millet porridge became the main thing that he ate.

Ye Kun's eyes were closed as he sat on a chair in the corner of the balcony.

Whether there were other people were present or not, he would look like this every time, as if he has entered his own world.

Although the sound of pots and pans crashing together could be heard coming from the kitchen where his young carer was busying herself, it did not disturb his meditating state at all.

Fourteen years ago, the seriously injured Ye Kun was rescued by the young Lisa in Luo Hai's North Hill Enclosure. Lisa was only 15 years old then.

When Woo-bin brought Jennie back to Luo Hai one month later, Jennie was only 10 years old....


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now