Chapter 1.17

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"Okay, this week we're gonna set outside our regular curriculum for a lesson in local history as we approach Founders' Day. Apparently the community leaders feels it's more important than World War 2 but hey what do I know?"

Looking around the classroom bored, my gaze passes over the door, and a smile lights up my face as I spot Bonnie walking into the class.


Embarrassed by my outburst, I look down as the some of the students jump in surprise while  laughs echo throughout the room.

Stepping in, looking almost as embarrassed as me, the Bennett witch gives me a playful glare before addressing the vampire hunter. "Sorry I'm late."

"Well, it looks like we will be at full occupancy today. Welcome home, Bonnie."

Sitting down behind me she smiles at Caroline and Elena, but when she looks at Stefan her smile fades as he smiles at her, but she tries not to look and him and turns her head. Pursing my lips knowingly, I watch as Elena and Stefan look at each other confused, before tuning back to the front of the class.

Biting my lip at the obvious tension, my shoulders drop as I glance back at Bonnie, who seems tense but unbothered. Spinning back around, I lock eyes with Stefan for a moment. Although, it only lasts a second before I snap my eyes back to the hunter, waving his arms around droning on about how Founders Day came to be.


Walking through the halls with Bonnie, she stresses over all the assignments she's missed as she looks through the stacks of papers she's been given.

"Everything will be fine. I'll help you." I try to reassure her.


"Of course."

Slowing down in her anxious steps, she turn to me with gratitude plastered on her face. "Thank you. And I don't just mean for helping me with this. You've been a great friend over these past few weeks, and after Grams... you were there. So, thank you."

"You don't need to thank me for that Bonnie. You need me? I'm there. It's what friends do." I shrug, speaking truthfully.


Tensing, Bonnie turns towards the Katherine look alike slowly. "Hey."

Not seeing her weird behaviour, Elena continues. "Hey, I tried to grab you after class but you already taken off. How are you? How's your family?"

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