Chapter 1.12

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"What now?" I groan, trudging through the woods, dodging branches and rocks.

Clicking his tongue, he voices "Oh, nothing. Just surprised you haven't ditched me yet."

"We made a deal, Damon. Remember? And I don't plan on breaking my end." I remind him.

"Right..." He trails off.

Seeing the pointed look I throw at him, he rolls his eyes "Alright, fine. I owe you a favour. Happy?"

"Two! You owe me two favours, right after I save your buddy." I say smugly, while he shakes his head, trying to hide the small smile threatening to appear on his face.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He shrugs off. "So, how come blondie and locktwin aren't stuck to you like glue, after what happened?" He questions, changing the subject.

Pausing, I sigh before turning towards his inquisitive stare "Don't worry, they had plenty to say to me and I'm sure there's more just waiting to spill. Plus, they know I'm capable of taking care of myself... also their literally a few yards away."

"They're at the party?" He asks, stopping. Referring to the Duke party in the cemetery.

"Yup. Also, they want me to tell you that if I don't get back to them in an hour in one piece, then... let's just say they already have a plan." I state, turning back, striding towards the tomb ahead of us.

"Wha- why me?" He asks, incredulously, following my lead.

Turning my head, I squint at him "Do you really want me to answer that?"

After a few moments of silence, he snaps "Just do what you came here to do, little witch."

I chuckle lightly at his reply, watching the Salvatore march ahead of me, towards the tomb, filled with twenty seven blood thirsty vampires.


"Anytime today, little witch." The unstable vampire vocalises, pacing across the floor.

Sighing in frustration, I place my hands over the stone door muttering "Give me a minute."

Taking a deep breath, I sense the immense amount of power hovering over the tomb. Biting my lip in uncertainty, I glance over at the irritable vampire before nodding to myself in reassurance.

Focusing on the power cemented in the walls, I imagine absorbing the power into my body, watching in satisfaction as my hands glow blood red, while I slowly siphon the spell from the door. All of a sudden, the ground tremors as the stone door moves slowly out of the tomb. Ignoring the Salvatores exited, "Its working." I attempt to steady myself while continuing to siphon the spell.

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