The mercury poisoning and her abdominal puncture that was caused by the thermometer's sharp glass made it impossible for even a miracle-working doctor to reverse the situation.

The hospital hurriedly informed her family members after the emergency treatment failed.. The Manoban Family had entrusted this woman to them. Hence, the hospital felt that they had truly wronged them.

On one hand, they knew that nothing good could possibly come out of offending the Manoban Family. The hospital received millions in financial aid from the Manoban Family every year. Thus, they felt that they had greatly offended their financial backer now.

On the other hand, Yanni had committed suicide and
intentionally avoided the surveillance cameras by choosing the washroom as her place to carry out the act. Consequently, although it would be difficult, the hospital could still defend themselves by saying that it was an accident.

Fortunately, Yanni had left a suicide note. Strangely enough, she did not leave it for her own daughter because the words "To Jennie" were written on the crumpled paper.

The police had finished their interrogation of the nurses when Lisa appeared with Jennie. The police officer who had arrived on the scene first respectfully spoke to Lisa while reporting the situation.

Now that she understood Yanni's final preparations before she committed suicide, Jennie recalled that before she left, Yanni had turned to her and said, "It would have been really nice if Somi frequently visited me..."

Nancy eyes were red and swollen when she returned from the morgue. They could tell that she had been crying nonstop. Nancy became extremely emotional when she saw that Jennie and Lisa had arrived at the hospital.

Nancy was wearing high heels when she arrived as she had no time to consider whether they were suitable or not at that time. She was panting with rage as she quickly rushed over and screamed at Jennie, "What did you say to my mother when you came here yesterday? You b*tch!"

Jennie took a small step back while she stared blankly at Nancy. The video surveillance footage from the nurses' station showed that Jennie had spoken to Nancy for more than 20 minutes the day before. During this time, Yanni's emotions had drastically changed.

Nancy's heart was filled with anxiousness when she saw that video.

She did not know how much Yanni had told Jennie
regarding the incident that she did not want her to know about...

"I never said anything! I'm truly sorry for your loss, I'm very troubled by this incident as well."

Jennie spoke sincerely. If she knew that Yanni would have
had these thoughts after they met yesterday, she would have stopped her no matter what.

"Are you still lying, you b*tch? Why would you be so kind as to come and visit her? If you didn't say anything to her, why would my mother kill herself when she was perfectly fine before?"

Nancy lost control of her emotions as she spoke. She struck out her palm at Jennie without any concern at all as to what it might do to her image.

Jennie did not dodge it as she had already seen Nancy
taking up her stance. She merely lowered her head in anticipation of the incoming blow.

She was not upset.

After all, this was Nancy's mother. Thus, it was only natural for Nancy to hate her.

However, the pain Jennie anticipated never arrived.

When she raised her head, Jennie saw that Lisa was
holding Nancy's arm back. He said sternly, "Nancy, don't get worked up. This matter has nothing to do with Jennie!"

Lisa's composed manner was extremely intimidating while his gaze seemed as though it could pierce through one's eyes.

Although she had tried to hit Jennie in front of him, Lisa did not kick up a fuss only because she was a relative of the victim.

"Brother Lisa, you're still defending her..." Nancy started crying.

"My mother left her a suicide note but did no such thing for me... You foxy woman, what spell have you cast on everyone. You've blinded every single person..."

Jennie only realized that Yanni had left a suicide note for
her after she heard Nancy say this. It seemed as though Yanni really trusted her because she had accompanied her during the final moments of her life.

Jennie's heart momentarily spasmed.

Nancy's heart was filled with anger when she saw Lisa
defending Jennie. She sobbed before rushing towards Jennie. "Jennie, you're a cursed vixen..."

Jennie stood rooted to the spot as though she had accepted her fate.

Lisa angrily gritted his teeth when he saw how resigned she looked.

He pulled Jennie into his embrace while blocking Nancy
with one hand. "Nancy, don't get so emotional. Go get the suicide note so we can see what's written on it."

Nancy's entire body briefly shivered when Lisa mentioned
the suicide note. The nurse who had discovered the suicide note had kept it and was waiting to hand it over to the police because this was considered as an important piece of evidence. Thus, they did not permit Nancy to
see it although she was the deceased woman's daughter.

Nancy seemed slightly unwilling when she heard Lisa
instructing her to go and get the suicide note. Since the suicide note was addressed to Jennie, Nancy was worried that she could almost guess its contents.

"The suicide note... is with the police..." Nancy gaze became anxious and hesitant.

Lisa glanced at Jennie before he put his arm around her
and led her to the surveillance room. This space was being used as a temporary interrogation room. The case was less complicated because it was a confirmed suicide while the hospital had given Yanni emergency treatment at the first available moment. Thus, even if it was to be settled in the future, criminal cases like these would likely be concluded between the two families.

However, since the other party was the Manoban Family, a small form of compensation would definitely be included..


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now