
Late morning

Jennie could barely struggle free from her dreams. All four of her limbs felt weak and her entire body had been invaded by an aching sensation.

She raised her head and glanced around the room before realizing that

Lisa had gone somewhere much earlier.

Jennie mentally cursed him. Why did she have to suffer when he was the one who did not know how to practice moderation?

Since today was a weekend, she guessed that he would not be at work. Jennie grabbed a loose white pullover and a pair of denim jeans. out of the closet.

She was concerned about the two little kittens upstairs. Jennie took some milk out of the fridge and warmed it but she was stunned to see the scene before her when she brought it upstairs.

She merely saw Lisa squatting on the ground. His torso was wrapped in a pullover that was the same style as Jennie's but in a different color. He wore it with a loose pair of black straight-leg pants.

Lisa had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows while his statuesque figure that was taller than a model's was positioned in a lowered stance. He held the kittens' food bowl in one hand and carried some milk in the other as he carefully prepared their food.

The little kittens hungrily whined and determinedly stretched their bodies while rushing towards the food in Lisa's hands. They wanted to tumble out of the basket. However, this cat basket had become their largest obstacle because their claws were not strong enough yet.

"Don't worry, Daddy will let you eat once the food is properly mixed. Mommy's really tired from last night. You would've starved to death long ago if you were waiting for her to feed you!" Lisa spoke while using his slender fingers to knead the cat food that they were about to eat before he softened it with the milk that was specially
prepared for this purpose.

Little Yellow whined, "Meow meow, meow meow."

Little Black whined, "Meow meow, meow meow."

Mu Chenyan was speechless.

'Daddy? Mommy?

Mu Chenyan cleaned her eyes. Had she misheard him?

He used to hate furry things the most...'

When Lisa realized that his wife was blankly staring nearby, the corners of his mouth stretched into a smirk. "Look, your mommy is awake!"

Little Yellow and Little Black meowed while they ate as though they were greeting Jennie.

Jennie blushed while she looked at those two Ragdoll cats and gently said, "The yellow one is called Little Ginger Fur Ball because it's the fattest while the black one is Briquet. I'll call Yeji to come over and pick one in awhile."

"I'll buy another two and give them to Yeji. These two are
perfect because one's male while the other is female. We should let them stay together as companions because they'll be very unhappy if you raise them separately!"

Lisa spoke casually as though he had planned this much earlier.

Jennie only knew now that Briquet was male and Little Ginger Fur Ball was female...

Briquet seemed to say, "Meow meow... Daddy is right!"

Meanwhile, Little Ginger Fur Ball seemingly said,
"Meow meow... I don't want to be separated from my Big Brother!"

"Are you sure they're siblings?" Jennie was surprised.

"They're not but I know that they're innocent playmates like us."

Jennie was speechless.

Lisa rose and hugged Jennie while he spoke. His embrace
was unusually warm. Jennie's body trembled when she
remembered their intimate interactions last night before she blushed.

"Little Ginger Fur Ball's mother is a yellow Persian cat while Briquet's mother is a Vietnamese breed. It's probably fated that these two little guys ended up here!"

Lisa lowered his head and glanced at the two greedy little
creature before he smiled and said, "They can act like siblings first when they're younger before they become mates once they're older.

Then they can give birth to a litter of Little Briquets and Little Ginger Fur Balls..."

Before Jennie could reply, Lisa continued, "Just like us!"

Mu Chenyan was speechless.


Little Ginger Fur Ball started rubbing against Briquet's body and whined like a spoiled little girl once it had finished eating.

Briquet was also a young kitten but it behaved like a Big Brother. It licked Little Ginger Fur Ball's head with its light pink tongue while meowing and fervently doting on it.

When she looked at the two kittens, Jennie thought that Lisa was likening those two little creatures to themselves. Jennie reached out and pulled Little Ginger Fur Ball off Briquet's body before she quietly rebuked it. "Little Ginger Fur Ball, don't you have any morals? Hmm?"

Jennie was actually referring to herself!

Little Ginger Fur Ball whined when it was pulled away. It kicked its little claws in the air and displayed a pitiful gaze. Then, without warning, its body charged in the direction of Briquet while baring its teeth!

Briquet meowed in protest as well and it fiercely growled at Jennie...

Jennie was dumbfounded before she suddenly recalled
something. Did she not look like this as well when she hung around. Lisa in the beginning?

Ah Fu clambered up the stairs at this moment. She smiled as she asked, "Mistress, should I take these two little guys downstairs to play?"

Ah Fu had yet to be fully matured. She would still behave like a wide-eyed child whenever she observed exciting things.

Jennie nodded and allowed Ah Fu to take the cat's basket

The second floor Study Room

Lisa had a solemn expression on his face as he got dressed. He walked out while putting on his jacket.

Jennie approached him and asked, "Where are you going?"

As it was Saturday today, Lisa would not leave the house under normal circumstances. Both of them had already planned to go to Liu Li Villa together in the afternoon.

Lisa stroked the bangs in front of Jennie's forehead and
faintly said, "It's nothing. I'm going to the hospital but you can wait for me at home."

A bad feeling suddenly emerged in Jennie's heart when she heard him mention the hospital. She firmly gripped Lisa's sleeve while her voice quivered as she pressed him further, "What happened?"

Lisa felt that it was probably wrong to continue hiding the truth from Jennie at this point. He lowered his voice and replied, "Yanni committed suicide last night. She's already breathed her last breath. I'm going over to see but you can just wait at home for me to return.."


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now