
Lisa turned his head to look at the kittens before asking, "Have you given them names, Little Nini?"

"Not yet because I was thinking of keeping one and giving the other to Big Yeji."

Jennie held the little yellow kitten in her palms and struggled in Lisa's embrace before she lamented, "It's not surprising that certain women keep cats or dogs and treat them like children! Little guys like this are certainly unbearably cute..."

Lisa's expression darkened. He was clearly jealous as he saw his wife look at the kitten with a terribly gentle gaze.

He had bought the cat and brought it home to make her happy but she would not even look him in the eye because of this animal now. Moreover, how could a cat possibly be compared to one's own child?

"You still need to bear a child! You'll definitely like the child and when that time comes, you can let him play with this kitty."

When she heard Lisa's words, Jennie inwardly found it
ridiculous. This man was really immature. He was still competing with a cat and feeling jealous despite being so old!

"You're always talking about children. Why are you making it seem as though I've already promised you one?"

Jennie felt as though Lisa was saying increasingly
excessive things. When he unabashedly displayed his affections for her in front of his assistant, she simply pretended not to hear him and ran upstairs while carrying the two little kittens instead.

Every time Lisa mentioned children, Jennie would behave
in this manner by remaining indifferent and refusing to answer.

Lisa's heart had become more stifled and anxious as his
requests were continuedly mildly rejected by her.

When he turned around, Lisa saw that Yan Jun was still standing in the hall. His expression became stern before he asked, "Weren't you leaving? Why are you still timidly standing there like a blockhead? Are you really planning to try Ah Fu's cooking?"

Yan Jun's face hardened while his heart fumed with rage. His boss was really someone who became unreasonable in the presence of the opposite sex because he was only concerned about his wife now. He would not even allow his loyal assistant to stay for dinner. On the contrary, he merely wanted to shove public displays of affection across the room and down his throat...

Jennie went upstairs to help the two little kittens properly settle down. She fed them some milk and kibbles for young cats.

The two little kittens caused a ruckus as they tossed and turned everywhere inside their basket once they were full.

Jennie thought that since the third floor was spacious and Lisa rarely went up there, she would simply allow both of them to play outside the basket.

The little kittens became naughtier when they scattered about and played. They could not steadily stand up but it did not affect them as they excitedly explored their surroundings. Jennie's mood drastically improved as she watched over them.

The gloomy feeling that had arrived after she heard the news in the hospital today was completely swept away.

Jennie went to shower after she had eaten her dinner.

Yanni's words repeatedly echoed in her mind as Jennie lay on the bed after blow-drying her hair. She was completely unaware of Lisa's dark silhouette that had quietly approached her...

Lisa pushed Jennie underneath his body before he moved
his warm lips next to her ears and whispered, "My kitten, hasn't it been a long time since you meowed in my arms?"

Lisa's body temperature was scorchingly hot as he was aroused. They fitted together perfectly when he hugged her from behind.

Jennie's ears became itchy from being tickled. She knew that when Lisa bought her those two kittens he certainly would later expect her to repay him with benefits later.

"Go upstairs if you want to hear the cats meowing. Those are the actual kittens!"

Jennie panted while she avoided Lisa's breath that escaped from his lips but her body responded honestly as if it were telling its master that she was aroused!

Lisa's large hands became mischievous when he saw that Jennie did not mean what she said. He slowly probed her body from top to bottom while repeatedly massaging and kneading it. Despite her soft protests, he always used just the right amount of force.

"I love it when you cry out for me!"

As he spoke, Lisa gently nibbled on Jennie's shoulder and
caused her entire body to tremble before she quietly moaned...

Lisa gingerly kissed her delicate shoulders while he removed her clothes with his large hands. The words carelessly tumbled out of his mouth as he sighed. "Who invented women's sleepwear? These clothes are terribly complicated!"

Jennie was left speechless by what she had heard.
When she recalled how Lisa had forced her to wear basically bare erotic lingerie every night while they were at the Liu Li Villa, Jennie's face temporarily turned pink.

Lisa turned her body over so that their eyes met. He lowered his head and gently pecked her starting from her forehead. He did not miss a single spot.

Jennie's vision became blurry while her entire body burned up as he teased her. Her arms were suddenly wrapped around his shoulders.

Intense heat waves surged through the inside of her body. Jennie's ears were filled with shameless slander that Lisa had never actually said while her legs had unconsciously coiled themselves around his waist.

"Are you ready, vixen?"

Jennie gently nodded after Lisa forced out an answer from her.

"You'll really be the death of me!"


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now