Perhaps, he could have even learned martial arts and become like Tian Qi, a grim-faced bodyguard.

However, Yan Jun had become an assistant, forced to carry out the most mundane of chores. Today he had to buy kittens, and he could not help wonder if tomorrow he would need to go get a puppy.

Woof, woof, woof...


That was unthinkable!


Lisa hung up the call and got ready to leave. Jisoo coldly

Upon returning from City C, the man who had lost face had was feeling extremely upset, which was why he came looking for Lisa to drink his frustration away. However, little had he expected the fellow to be preoccupied with his Little Mistress the entire time. Upon hearing that his Mistress was heading home, he actually wants to leave?!

"I don't understand. Regarding the matters of Jennie
investigating Nancy Mcdonie, why are you indulging her?"

Jisoo felt that Lisa's thoughts were like a deep ocean.

There are times where he really could not decipher the thoughts of this trust fund baby.

A trace of glee flashed past Lisa's cold eyes. "That woman isn't always a good for nothing. Since she wants to trouble herself, I'll just let her play around. Maybe she can even be of help to me."

Jisoo could not understand it. The man before him was
exceptionally handsome. In terms of features, talent, and capability, he was above average in every area, yet his heart was like a needle hidden in silk floss, an iron hand in a velvet glove.

"What do you mean? Your Little Jennie really doesn't just stir up any ordinary trouble. This time at City C, she nearly cost me my woman!" hearing the word "trouble", Jisoo thought of only one thing.

"Then we're even now. Previously, your woman had led her to catch perverts. Didn't I tolerate it as well?" Lisa smiled plainly and retaliated.

Jisoo was speechless.

The two men suddenly felt that they were behaving extremely childishly. When it came to women, the two buddies could never stop bickering.

"Then hurry up and tell me. What plans do you have in mind?" Jisoo asked and handed a box of cigarettes to Lisa, but Lisa waved it away.

"I've not been smoking cigarettes that have such a strong smell recently. Mistress doesn't like the scent of them,"
Lisa said with a straight face. The already handsome face now had an even greater air of a gentleman's elegance. When talking about his Mistress, there would be a faint smile on his face.

This fellow... When had he become such a suave gentleman who was as graceful as the luster of a jade?

"F*ck! You talk as if other people don't have a mistress!"

Upon noticing Lisa's sinister smile, Jisoo almost flew into a rage.

"Mmm. Someone really doesn't seem to have a mistress."

Lisa seemed to want to continue with this topic until the end!

Jisoo madly took out a cigarette, lit it up, and fiercely smoked it.

He ended up choking and coughing non-stop. With teary eyes, he pointed at Lisa's smug face. "This is the end of our friendship!"

Lisa lifted his wineglass, his enchanting face had an alluring smile. "I don't think that's a very wise thing to do. After all, those without a mistress will need their friend's comfort from time to time."

Hearing that, Jisoo wanted to ruin Lisa's charmingly
handsome face.

"I won't argue with you! Anyway, the incident in City C this time was really a scare. If I didn't tail them, who knows what would have happened to those two women? You owe me one."

Lisa nodded and answered, "I truly owe you one."

"With your conniving Little Jennie as such, aren't you even a little concerned that she will continue to wreak havoc?" Thinking of the incident in City C, Jisoo felt that things were not as simple as it seemed. That Bureau Chief Liu was intentionally protecting the criminal.

"I've been digging into Nancy previously, and there wasn't much progress with City C. I've thought of using Yanni as the starting point, but Yanni is extremely wary of me. This time, with Little Jennie in action, maybe there'll be a breakthrough."

Lisa's tone was plain, and there was a cold radiance swirling in his eyes. He seemed to have a well-thought-out strategy in regards to the future.

Jisoo laughed. "Do you plan to let your wife participate in your operation of hauling in the net?"

Lisa's slender fingers tapped the edge of the glass as he replied plainly, "Why not? The old case from two years back has been a thorn in her. heart. If she doesn't settle it herself, perhaps she will always feel unreconciled."


The Hibiscus Garden

The two Ragdoll cats had been delivered. Besides Jennie , even Ah Fu felt excited as well.

She was a child after all. In the Hibiscus Garden, besides Master, there were not any other living beings. The two kittens were black and yellow respectively. The black one had a clear and gentle sheen, and its gentle fur was like an ink-black satin, while the yellow one was like a golden ball, rolling about in excitement. Their tiny bodies very soon found the edge of the basket, and they began to miaow continuously.

Mu Chenyan stroke the heads of the two kittens and was clearly extremely delighted.

"Yan Jun, thank you so much. How did you know I like cats?"

Jennie studied Yan Jun as she spoke. The face of the top-rated assistant reddened, and the slight grievance he experienced in the afternoon suddenly turned into nothing.

"Mistress seems to be thanking the wrong person?" Lisa had yet to physically arrive but the sound of his voice had already drifted into Jennie's ears....


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now