There was a warm smile on his face when he silently walked towards the veranda and stood there.

The woman raised her head from her book when she smelled the scentbof alcohol on him. When she removed her glasses, she was stunned to see that the man's face was flushed from the drinking. She placed her book aside and quietly said, "Did you have a lot to drink again? Go and take a shower. All I can smell is alcohol and it stinks..."

She sounded like she was complaining but there was a flirtatious tone in her voice.

When he heard the charming hints in her gentle voice, Lisa was suddenly unable to restrain himself.

He abruptly bent his body downward and firmly kissed the woman's red lips that were still rattling on...

Since Jennie was unprepared, the man quickly and effortlessly ravaged her throat...

Her little hands and legs fervently kicked and scratched in protest but she did not expect to incite the man's dissatisfaction. He grabbed her hands and raised them above her head while pressing them against the back of the long bench.

He continued to attack with his tongue, passing the faint aroma in his mouth to her. After a while, Jennie felt as though she was about to get drunk as well.

The kiss continued for a long time without stopping.

The breathing of these two people who were entangled became heavier while the scent of red wine spread throughout their lips.

Lisa would not be satisfied with a single kiss. He reached his hand in through her lapel and pinched and fondled. The painful pinching sensation suddenly shocked Jennie awake.

Jennie's scalp tingled when she realized that this man wanted to sleep with her again.

During the several days they spent in Liu Li Villa, he tormented her to the point of exhaustion due to their passionate nights. Thus, she had initially assumed that Lisa would wake up and stop dreaming that they were Adam and Eve once they had returned from that paradise on Earth.

She had never imagined that he would continue on with his excessive demands. If this continued, their world would change while their house would no longer be home.

Would there be any difference between her and Su Daji who destroyed the Shang dynasty or Yang Yuhuan who ruined the Tang dynasty? (TN: Famous consorts in Chinese history who were said to have caused the downfall of their respective dynasties.)

Various scenes flashed through Jennie's mind before she suddenly exerted all of her strength to push the man's lowering body away while she heavily panted.

"Stop it!" Jennie quietly objected. "I need to wake up early and go to work tomorrow."

Her gaze was piercingly cold when she displayed the forcefulness that was expected of a career woman. Jennie was unavoidably vexed when she thought of how she was pinned down by him every night.

Lisa was stunned. He could not help but think that her job was truly dispensable when he saw that she was completely serious.

However, he knew that she was stubborn. If he did not allow her to go out and work, she would display annoyed expressions at him and raise hell.

Thus, he dropped the subject and comforted her saying, "Alright, you can just focus on these things, Mistress. However, don't work too hard!"

Jennie nodded while heaving a sigh of relief mentally.

She still had no idea about how to explain her whereabouts during these few days to her colleagues.

When both of them went upstairs, Jennie suddenly thought of Yanni and said, "How is Nancy's mother now?"

Lisa's expression greatly worsened when he heard Nancy's name. He rubbed his temples while a threatening aura emerged.

"She's still alright but it's very difficult to say whether she can returnnto the condition of a normal person in the future."

Lisa's gaze fell on Jennie while he spoke. Her delicate little face was shocked.

Lisa continued and explained, "Not only was she poisoned by Zong He Sanatorium, but they probably fed her some hallucinogens on a normal basis as well! Her mind is hazy now but she'll probably need to continue staying in Zong He Sanatorium once she's discharged from the hospital."

Lisa casually mentioned these things but Jennie still
inhaled a breath of cold air.


It was not surprising that Jennie had always felt that Yanni was not actually a mentally ill patient but a scapegoat who was merelynslightly different from an average person.

"Who gave her those hallucinogens?"

Jennie could not help but ask.

Lisa took some casual clothing out of the closet. The corners of his lips stretched into an arc when he looked at the woman who was planning to pursue this question to the end.

"Why don't you try your best to fulfill your responsibilities as Mrs Manoban instead of aggressively minding other people's business?"

When Jennie saw through his constricted pupils that he was harboring ill intentions, she recoiled her body under the blankets before she shook her head and pitifully said, "I don't want to! I want to request for leave."

Lisa mischievously smiled before he went into the bathroom. The whooshing sound of flowing water Jennie's state of mind.

She briefly visited Liu Li Villa with Lisa for no reason only to return and discover that she was cut off from the Zong He case.

If Chaeyoung was unwilling to reveal the slightest bit of information to her, she did not even need to consider Huai.

The chatterbox Eunwoo was also completely silent regarding this case. Presently, she was still only aware of the same developments that occurred before she left.

When she suddenly heard Lisa say that Yanni had taken
hallucinogens, an uneasy feeling seized her mind when she recalled how pitiful that woman appeared when she wailed in front of her own daughter....


Mr. L's DILEMMA: Can't Help Falling In Love With You (BOOK 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz