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Chapter 1451: Hiro!

Deep inside an algae field, Forefather Dragon Lizard, Tu Shi Qi, and Ya Yun stayed idle, their faces stiff and blank.

After a long time, Forefather Dragon Lizard said bitterly, "That kid... Why is he with Mei Ji? I remembered that Mei Ji had chased after him to kill him. She didn't hesitate to drain her power to do that. And now, did you see that they were sticking together like a couple? Mei Ji listened to everything he told her. It's strange."

Tu Shi Qi didn't understand, either. "Only the ghosts know how he could do that."

"Mei Ji has approached him and protected him for the Power Upanishad Symbol Tower on purpose, maybe?" guessed Ya Yun.

Listening to him, Forefather Dragon Lizard and Tu Shi Qi nodded. They thought that sounded more probable.

"What should we do now?" Forefather Dragon Lizard looked begrudgingly. "My body isn't here yet. Mei Ji's wounds recovered. She's tougher to deal with now. If we risk our lives with her, I think we will lose at the end."

"Wait until the hotshots come," sighed Ya Yun.

"The hotshots won't come for the time being. Even if they come, they will be late. It's really hard to solve this now." Tu Shi Qi pondered for a while and then decided, "We can only release information!"

"What if we only benefit the others? The old freak of the Soul Clan is in the Sea of Annihilation now. Whenever he gets news, he responds quickly. If he gets the Power Upanishad Symbol Tower, our efforts will have been for nothing!" Ya Yun shook her head.

"I have a good relationship with a friend from the White Bone Clan. Recently, they're trying hard to find the experts with Life power Upanishad. He asked me to pay attention. Shi Yan mastered the Life power Upanishad and it's possible that the Absolute Beginning Original Symbol he got from the Power Upanishad Symbol Tower is a Life Original Symbol!" Tu Shi Qi's eyes brightened.

"You're right. The Absolute Beginning Original Symbol he has is a Life Original Symbol. I'm certain about this," Forefather Dragon Lizard nodded. "This time, the life energy magnetic field from him is too thick. It's unimaginable, though. Except for the power of the Absolute Beginning Original Symbol, I can't think of anything else."

"Then I will contact my friend from the White Bone Clan. Let's see if they're interested in this," Tu Shi Qi made up his mind.


It was an island in the Sea of Annihilation, which was filled with white bones. Those bones came from members of different races. They were white and had surging energy.

It was the base of the White Bone Clan in the Sea of Annihilation.

Lately, a Skull Island had come and anchored here. A child of the White Bone Clan had landed on this bone island. He spoke the oldest language of the White Bone Clan. His appearance had shaken the entire White Bone Clan.

—— He brought with him his parents, the two dormant, Territory Ancestor Realm experts.

The entire bone island was in high spirits because of the little skeleton. It had received the warmest welcome here too. The Skull Island had merged with the bone island and become a part of it.

The members of the White Bone Clan brought the two precursors to their Bone Burial Pond deep inside the bone island. They had tried all the secret techniques to wake them up. However, as the two had spent all of their vitality and left only a wisp of the feeble soul, the Bone Burial Pond couldn't wake their consciousness up.

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