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Chapter 341 - Miracle

The Sun, Moon, and stars in the sky converged atop the halo, turning it into a huge mirror which brightly reflected all the Sun, Moon, and stars in the sky.


This strange scene made ShiYan shudder. He suddenly realized that an ancient sect like the Three Gods Sect indeed had something that they had to pay respect to.

He had stayed with the Yang family for a while and was shocked when he saw the Holy Mountain on the Immortal Island completely formed by pure crystal stones.

When comparing it to the wonders of the Three Gods Sect, the pure Holy Mountains, which were made of natural crystal stones, were a masterpiece of nature. Meanwhile, this place was actually a human-made masterpiece. It was unknown who had this kind of great force to be able to create such a miracle.

Looking up at the sky, he realized that the Sun, Moon, and countless stars were shooting out many beams of strange light. Those beams of light intertwined together, slowly condensed into clear-white milky

water droplets, dividing and dripping into three places inside the halo.

"Come with me." Tang YuanNan suddenly leaped up and descended to where the white water droplets were dripping, and waved at ShiYan, indicating to him that ShiYan should follow.

ShiYan was bewildered. He felt a little embarrassed and said, "I am only in the Nirvana Realm, and if I'm only relying on my real strengths, I cannot fly."

Tang YuanNan was stunned and felt a little strange. He subconsciously assumed that with ShiYan's current ability, flying would be an easy task, and hence, he didn't need to drag ShiYan along with him. Now, after hearing this, he immediately understood that the previous strong power certainly didn't belong to ShiYan.

"I'll take you." Tang YuanNan beamed a smile, quickly came to ShiYan's side, stretched his hand, and grabbed ShiYan by his shoulders.

ShiYan was instantly vigilant, subconsciously activating the strength in his body, ready to fight back.

Tang YuanNan was startled, immediately stopped his moves, and retracted his hand while forcing a smile, "I don't have malicious intent. You don't need to be nervous."

"Being careful doesn't harm anyone." ShiYan's countenance remained

unchanged. He pointed to a disciple of the Three Gods Sect and said, "Tell him to take me there."

It was an old First Sky of the Sky Realm warrior. Just looking at ShiYan, the old man was already frightened. He was the kind of person who cherished his life.

Seeing ShiYan pointing to him, his face slightly changed. He seemed to be reluctant, hurriedly shook his head, dry laughed and said, "My cultivation base is low. There are other people here with a higher cultivation base. You should find someone else."

By saying this, he had disclosed that he was a cautious person. The one who was afraid of death was the kind of person who wouldn't act rashly.

"I want you." ShiYan was persistent. The person cried out and quietly

cursed ShiYan under his breath. However, he couldn't avoid it and could only look toward Tang YuanNan with pleading eyes, imploring him to convince ShiYan to give up on his decision.

"Take him up." Tang YuanNan said impatiently with a stone cold glare. "Go quickly. Don't waste my time."

He forced a smile, bowed his head, and carefully walked over to ShiYan as he was afraid that ShiYan would suddenly launch a blow, freezing him in a split second.

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