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Chapter 991: Seven Emotion and Six Desire Liquor

An Yun stopped by a jade door, speaking with a complicated countenance. "Young Elder is waiting for you inside."

Then, An Yun bent her body slightly and sighed inwardly before she left.

Shi Yan was bewildered. Looking at the jade door, he had no clue at all.

He reached out, gently knocking on the door. The clear noise echoing in this empty stone corridor was unpleasant to the ears.

"Come in, please." Fu Wei's soft voice came out from inside. Her tender, weak voice was somehow like a tranquilizer, which made people relaxed.

Pushing the jade door with a skeptical look, Shi Yan entered the door. His eyes glistened immediately.

Inside that hundred square meters jade room, the ceiling was decorated with tender-glowing jewels. It was like a curtain of a galaxy hanging above people's heads, giving them a relaxing feeling. The walls were carved with delicate drawings and patterns, which carried hidden energy. Many exquisites tools were displayed on the wall. They looked like decorations that made the room more luxurious and elegant.

The doors of smaller rooms in this chamber were half opened. Shi Yan could see the bathroom, the cultivating room, and the pellet refining rooms. Everything here was extremely opulent.

A graceful blue figure stood by a white jade table in the middle of the room. Apparently, she had put on her makeup. Her face blushed while her beautiful eyes were like the deep ocean or fulgent blue gems.

She wore a long light-blue dress, which exposed her white shoulder and moon-like wrists. She wore a blue crystal necklace; her long hair was pinned up into an elegant and noble bun. She looked tender and stylish. Her slender fingers clutched a white jade bottle and she poured an amber-colored liquor into a glass.

The pure and pleasant scent of liquor entered Shi Yan's nostrils, moving into his internal organs. It relaxed Shi Yan and made him calm and unwind.

Fu Wei was trying to create a cozy, comfy atmosphere. She smiled faintly. Her bright eyes rippled with lights when she waved at him, talking tenderly. "Come sit here."

Shi Yan was surprised. His mouth curves into a strange smile. "Miss Fu Wei, you called me here to drink with you?" While talking, he walked forward and sat in front of that beautiful blue figure.

"Isn't it okay?" Fu Wei smiled naturally. "The journey to Shadow Ghostly Prison isn't short. Cultivating isn't a good way to kill time. If you sink into it, your mental state will be limited. Drinking a little bit will help you relax and adjust."

"Seems like you do know how to enjoy life." Studying the stone room, Shi Yan smiled. "I can tell that from this room. Haha, anyway, I'm a rough and rude guy. I may disturb your relaxing time."

"Why do you think so? How can you be rude and rough?" Fu Wei's hand lifted the jade glass, giving it to Shi Yan deliberately. "Try this liquor. Our Potion and Tool Pavilion made it. We don't sell it. This liquor is called "Passion." I don't know if it suits your taste or not."

Shi Yan smiled, receiving the glass. However, he didn't drink it immediately. He just looked at her with bright and sharp eyes.


Fu Wei cursed him under her breath. She was afraid that he would doubt the liquor. Thus, she tried to calm her nerves as she poured herself a full glass. Then, she slowly took one sip after another until she finished her glass. "I've been drinking it for years. But still, I like it the most."

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