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Chapter 811 The Foreign Milky Way

Five-colored rocks floated in the Milky Way. The smallest rock had a diameter of about a thousand meters and the bigger ones were comparable to an islet.

Those strange stone rocks were floating in the Milky Way. The scene was marvelous.

The water of the foreign Milky Way was gray and muddy and people couldn't see what was at the bottom.

This Milky Way was endlessly vast. No one knew where it led to.

Tremendous space slits appeared near the foreign Milky Way. Colorful lights beamed out from the slits like countless meteors shooting.

So many space slits zigzagged past the Milky Way like giant beasts that swiftly dashed to eat all kinds of creatures. If people saw them, they would have been very scared.

Shi Yan's team was on a massive, dark green rock floating along the Milky Way. This rock had nothing on it. No grass, no trees, only the deadly, heavy atmosphere.

The Empty Fantasy Crystal was next to Shi Yan, its size was about one mu of land. It was sparkling with strange light. At first glance, he could see so many fine cracks inside the Empty Fantasy Crystal, which were similar to the space slits around them.

Feng Rao grimaced. She observed the surroundings and said nothing.

Shi Yan acted normally. As soon as they arrived on this rock, he immediately transferred the vitality to Bao Ao, Jie Ji, and Bo Ruo. Then, he sat down neatly, not giving them another glance.

Long after that, Shi Yan had used the energy in his acupuncture points to refine his body, increasing his power. Also, he had condensed several hundred drops of Immortal Demon Blood. He closed his eyes.

When he woke up, his vision was clear when he looked at the foreign Milky Way and the cracks. He smiled with satisfaction.

"Shi Yan..." Jie Ji's feeble voice arose. Although his eyes weren't dull anymore, he was still very bony.

Bao Ao suddenly crouched in pain. The Soul Sucking Demonic Flower on his body shook and drew his vitality one more time. The demonic flower became fresh and beautiful while Bao Ao paled.

Bo Ruo looked at him with sadness in her eyes. She couldn't help but call him out of worry,

"Master Bao Ao..."

Bao Ao craned his neck, trying to squeeze a smile out of his mouth to comfort her. "Don't worry. I won't die now."

"What happened to you? How did you fall in this situation?" Shi Yan looked at them with a dark face. The flame of anger blazed inside him.

"We encountered the warriors of the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce on that mineral star. The Underworld League's warriors who had captured us were killed. They took the four of us and brought us to mine to exploit us for a while," Jie Ji talked with a bitter visage.

"We had been slaves in the mines for around five years," added Bo Ruo. Her eyes sparkled with cold resentment.

"Bao Ao and I had entered the King God Realm during that stage," sighed Jie Ji. "We thought that we would be able to have better days after. Instead, our lives became a nightmare.

"I've also reached the Third Sky of True God Realm. It was too bad because soon after that, we couldn't even be mine slaves. They confined us, making us human body cauldrons. We had to use our blood and energy to nurture this Soul Sucking Demonic Flower," said Bo Ruo through her gritted teeth. "One day, I will make the Nine Star Chamber of Commerce pay a big price!"

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