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How do you guys like the book so far? I think you guys are really going to enjoy this one. I'm trying to get this one on AGW Level💗- Dajah💗


I parked my mothers car at her boutique since that's where she was at. She was only here because she wanted to get out of the house which was understandable at times. I walked in as we smiled at each other. "You didn't go in the garage did you?" She questioned as I sighed "no momma I still didn't go into the garage" I admitted.

"How was lunch with Michael?" She asked as I looked around at the clothes on the racks. "It wasn't just with him" I simply answered "oh Kasey was there?" She asked. "Yup and just a whole bunch of other things so I didn't enjoy it" I admitted. "So try to do something with just him" my mother suggested.

"You've seen how all of that played out over the years, every time I had something or just wanted to hang out.He didn't show so why try now" I simply said shrugging my shoulders some. "I know he's an actor and that's his job so that comes first but every time I've invited him out, had something, came out here for him hell even just to talk something always is going on with Kasey." I explained.

"Well baby talk to him, see what the real issue is and if that continues to be an issue just back away and do you. Michael is always going to be your friend and in your corner regardless" my mother said as I just shrugged. "It's whatever" I simply said. "Part of me believe you like Michael that's why you're so upset" my mother said as I just straight faced her making her laugh. "I'm sorry I had to try, me and Donna have been wanting you two to get together since birth" She said making me giggle and shake my head.

"That is never going to happen" I said in a laugh "it's only right if it does, you know all the memories and stories you could give your kids?" She questioned. "not Michael" I said in a small laugh shaking my head. I've never ever even thought of a relationship with Michael the shit would be weird. I feel we joke around too much to be in one and besides that, To everyone he's bae I don't want them kind of problems. I want a regular looking guy so we can live peacefully.

"You want me to cook for dinner?" I asked "no because you need to get out, the whole reason I had you out here for a couple of days was because I want you to rest, take a break and go do things" She explained as I sighed. "Do you have a graduation dress?" She asked as I shook my head. "Then go find an outfit instead of being in my face" she said as I just let out a small laugh.

"Alright ma" I stated making her giggle. I texted Michael and Kasey that we should go out to dinner but this time I was bringing my best friend Danielle so I can actually have a good time and this time around I'm picking the restaurant and will dress accordingly.

I went back to the house resting before beginning to get ready "she said that to you?!" Danielle asked on the other line as I was doing my make up. "Yeah the little bitch had me fucked up" I expressed. "Did you even tell Micheal?!" Danielle asked "no What for? I don't think Michael is going to see it anyway so why say anything?" I questioned. "Why aren't you opening your mouth and saying something to him?" Danielle asked. "Because it is what it is, I'm tired of being a good ass friend but when it comes to me it's an excuse the only reason Im even seeing him today is because Kasey is there" I started off. "Kasey is always The reason" I simply said.

"Are you jealous?" Danielle asked "no I'm hurt. You supposed to be my best friend and you acting like your world revolve around Kasey" I simply said as Danielle sighed "so talk to him that's all you have to do" She said. "No" I simply said. "And why not?" She questioned. "Because say we do talk and it comes down to me or her he's going to pick her that's his girl" I explained. "Yeah but he's always had girls in his life and you were there also, he always stuck by you" She explained. "Yeah but this one I feel will break our friendship I really didn't come back to California just to be stressed" I admitted.

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