Which is why he tightened his hand around her shoulder, in case she were about to slip away at any moment.

"I love you, Regulus." Del whispered before she let herself drift off into a peaceful rest.

Regulus, on the other hand, couldn't find an ounce of drowsiness in him, his mind running too fast for him to even comprehend that thought, he stared down at Del intensely, as if he were trying to peer into her mind and figure out what the hell was going through her mind.

Loud voices coming from down the stairs broke Regulus' trance as he looked up to see all his mates stumbling down the stairs with wide smiles, red eyes, and the stench of marijuana followed right behind them.

Cal and Narcissa were laughing hysterically with Leo who was huddled over, gripping his knees for support as he let out gasps of laughter.

Lucius was smiling at the group proudly, as if he had been waiting for this moment for a lifetime.

But the thing that caught Regulus' attention the most was the three brooding people in the background. Severus looked at the group with boredom, his arms were crossed as his jaw ticked with annoyance.

Bellatrix scowled at not the group, but at Leo, practically sending daggers through her eyes as he laughed loudly with her cousin and best mate.

And Evan, surprisingly wasn't carrying his everyday smile, instead he wore furrowed eyebrows and a lip that was getting nawed on, an action he only did when deep in thought.

"Do you lot mind?" Regulus hissed, interrupting their laughs and giggles, everyone looked over with defense, but once their eyes moved to the fragile figure in his lap they all looked taken back, well all but Leo.

Leo held a smug smile on his face as he stared down at Del, for some reason, Regulus' arm seemed to have tightened its protective hold on the girl on top of him.

The second Leo saw this action his features seemed to have faltered into a frown, but just as quickly as it came, it disappeared as he approached him with a warm smile.

"Here, I can take her."

All of them looked over at Leo with confusion and he laughed at our reactions while shaking his head slightly, "We're back together, I won't lie, after the 'Before School' party I was thrashed, I said things that I shouldn't have and I decided it was best that we took a small break from each other, but shortly after I stumbled down the bloody stairs, earned myself a nasty concussion."

Regulus and Cal's reaction were probably the most priceless, Lucius even made sure to turn around and give them a small glare that said 'I told you so'.

"Then why did Del have bruises, Greengrass." Bellatrix snarled, practically everyone flinched back by the amount of distaste she put upon his last name.

"Oh come on Bella, I think we both know that we're on first name status by now." Leo laughed, but Bella's glare only hardened once he didn't reply to his answer.

"The two of us got jumped in Diagon Alley. I wanted to send a letter to you lot, but Del immediately got all weird about it, she made me promise not to tell anyone about it so no one would worry."

Cal almost felt guilty, he remembered the night that he was yelling into Del's face, accusing her of lying to all of them, all when she was telling the truth the whole time.

Regulus, on the other hand felt extreme confusion, at first he felt guilty for not believing his friend, but then he specifically remembered Del confirming that her story was bullshit and that she would tell them what really happened when she was ready when he found her on the valley top.

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