Chapter 49

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Mavis felt much better but was still very weak. She had eaten old noodles that were shoved deep in the pantry on the top shelf. Alice refused to leave her side, continuously running her fingers through her hair.

Bella was on her last bag of blood, and the others needed to feed before she delivered. They had to be at their strongest. Carlisle and Jacob had a plan. Jacob was going to lure some of the wolves away and allow for Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett to slip through without a fight. Mavis wanted to help Jacob. If she was with him, then at least Paul would be there. He was one of the stronger wolves, but the Cullen's opposed the idea. She didn't have the strength for that. Mavis disagreed. However, she didn't argue with them. Instead, she stayed put as instructed. 

Bella was deciding baby names, but they were not good in Mavis's opinion. "You couldn't think of something more classic," Rosalie had a hand on her stomach.

Alice nudged Mavis gently to make sure she was still with them. Both Alice and Jasper had been on edge since the morning's events. They feared anything happening to Mavis. "They could be worse," Mavis tried to bring comfort to Bella. "But they could also be better."

That caused Bella to smile slightly. "Hey," she spoke to someone. Mavis looked over her shoulder and noticed Jacob and Edward walking into the room. "Help me up?" Rosalie and Alice were quick to help her. Mavis sat up on the couch. Now that Alice wasn't there as a pillow, it was uncomfortable. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Jacob responded. "I'm not the one carrying a demon."

Mavis snorted but quickly covered it with a cough. Alice playfully glared at her. "This is important, Bella. Tell Jacob what you decided."

She rubbed her stomach. Jacob glanced back at Edward confused. "What now?"

Edward chuckled, "Rose wants to talk Bella out of her baby names."

"She hates them."

"I'm on your side. No matter what you pick," he responded.

"You say that now," Mavis muttered. Alice gently swatted her leg.

"They're not that bad," Bella tried to reason. "If it's a boy, EJ. Edward Jacob." Mavis hated it, but it was much better than the girl's name.

"Fine," Rosalie muttered. "That one isn't the worst. Tell him the girl's name."

"I was playing around with our mother's names," she explained. "Renée and Esme. I was thinking," Bella paused, "Renesmee." The idea behind it was beautiful, but the name was odd. Mavis didn't like it.

The silence on Jacob's end caused Mavis to laugh. Alice chuckled at her daughter's reaction. "Renesmee?" Her laugh grew louder as Jacob processed the name. It was clear he hated it. Edward began laughing as well.

"Too weird?" It was.


"No," Edward spoke up. "It's not too weird. It's beautiful." Jacob seemed thankful he had spoken up. "It's unique, which given the situation seems fitting." Bella was appreciative of him. "I love it."

Rosalie reached forward and grabbed the cup full of blood. "See, he likes it." Bella went to take the cup, but it fell from her grasp. Bella reached for it, but there was a loud cracking sound. Mavis gasped as Bella's back appeared to break. It was the same breaking she had heard earlier in the morning.

Bella dropped to her knees, and there was another crunching noise. Edward darted forward and caught Bella's head before it hit the ground. Mavis threw the blanket off of her and jumped to her feet. Edward picked Bella up and raced towards the delivery room they set up.

The Banshee -Paul Lahote-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن