Chapter 44

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Warning: This chapter has references of sexual content. Do not feel pressured to read if you are not comfortable.

Ten days, that's how long it had been since she had last seen Paul. Ten days of absolutely zero communication. She didn't bother to see the rest of her family. They were alive and well. That was all that mattered. That couldn't be said about Paul. It was unclear what he had been doing for the last ten days.

Mavis stopped the car in front of his house. Her feet barely touched the ground as she climbed the stairs. Before she could knock, the front door opened. "Mavis," Paul's father was shocked to see her. "Hello."

"Hi," she offered him a nervous smile. "Is Paul here?"

"Yes, he's in his room." That caused her some relief. "I think he would like to see you."

"Thank you," Mavis slipped past him. Terrance left, presumably to go to work.

The blonde rushed up the stairs, terrified to see him after ten days apart. Stopping at his door, she knocked. There was no response. Mavis knocked again. This time louder. She began to fear he didn't want anything to do with her. Not that Mavis could blame him. "I said I don't want to go," Paul yelled from the other side. "Leave me alone." Mavis was confused by his words and proceeded to knock again. There was shuffling. "Dad, I said leave me alone-" the door swung open. Paul instantly stopped talking. He blinked a few times, believing he was dreaming. "Mavis?"

"Hey." His room was a complete disaster. There were fast-food wrappers and dirty clothes tossed around—nothing like how it looked the last time she was here. It clued her in on how he had been doing the last ten days.

"Are you real?"

His words broke something inside of her. "Yeah, I am." Instantly, Paul wrapped his arms around her. Mavis gasped as she was lifted into the air. It felt amazing to be back in his arms. The feeling inside of her, the empty feeling, was long gone. Mavis could have stayed in that moment forever, but the feeling of something damp on her shoulder broke her away. It was tears. Paul was crying. "It's okay." He slowly set her on the ground but refused to let go. "Hey, it's okay." Mavis pulled away just enough to see his face. Using her right hand, she wiped away the tears. "I'm right here."

Paul nudged her with his nose, his body trembling. "I thought you were gone." Mavis let her hand rest on his face. "I thought you were never coming back." His voice was rough and broken. Something it had never been before. "They said you had to go. That they had to send you away." Paul believed the Cullens had moved her first. That Bella had been transformed, and Mavis was gone forever. "I didn't think I would ever see you again."

"I'm here now." Words couldn't describe how sorry she was. "I'm so sorry for how I left. I didn't have a choice." There would be a time where she didn't come back, but that wasn't now. This time, she came back. Paul couldn't get himself to move. Too afraid this was all in his head. "But if you ask questions, I'll have to leave again."

He had a million questions, but losing her was too scary. He couldn't go through that pain again. "Okay." Paul's grip was tight, but she didn't care. "No questions. Please, don't leave again."

"I'm sorry," Mavis mumbles into his shoulder. He moves back towards the bed, sitting on the edge. She doesn't have time to question him as she is pulled onto his lap. A laugh emits from deep inside of her. It felt good to laugh. It had been so long. Paul isn't crying anymore, and Mavis is thankful for that. Seeing him that distressed over her departure made her sick inside. "I missed you."

"Missed you more," his face is buried in her neck.

Her fingers run through his tangled hair. "Your room is a mess." He was a mess.

"Mhm." He's more relaxed now.

"When was the last time you went outside?" He's silent, "Paul?" There is still no response. "What about patrol? Have you seen the pack?"

"No," his answer is laced with pain. "Haven't left in a while." Mavis assumed he meant the entire ten days or at least from when he realized she was missing. "Just wanted you back."

"Have you eaten?"

"I don't know."

"Paul-" Mavis attempted to get out of his lap, but he refused to let go. "You need to eat." Paul rubs his nose against her neck, breathing in her scent. He knew it by heart. He could smell it on his clothes and pillow. Clinging to it every day. His fingers push up the bottom of her shirt, desperate to feel her skin. To feel her. She shudders at the feeling, nearly forgetting how warm he is.

"Later," he mutters against her skin. Mavis wants to argue with him, but the feeling of his lips on her skin causes her heart to skip a beat. There's no other intention behind his actions, not in that moment. All he wants is to be near her. Mavis hums at the feeling, head tilting to the side without thought. His nose brushed against her jaw, and he pushed the bottom of her shirt up even more. "Don't leave again."

"I won't." Finally, Mavis shifts in his lap and captures his lips in a kiss. It fills the void inside of her. Her fingers found their way back into his hair and gently pulls. Paul let out a groan, surprising himself. However, he moves quickly. He turns around, placing her gently against the mattress. Mavis stares at him, eyes flickering between his. Paul stops, waiting for her permission before continuing. With a faint nod, he presses his lips against hers once more.

Mavis wanted to feel as close to him as possible. Soon, shirts were gone, then pants, and everything after that. Time moved slowly, and it felt as if it was just them. There were faint I love you's and soft moans as they took the final steps and became one. She held onto him tightly, his forehead resting against hers the entire time. It was slow but fast enough for both of them. Neither wanted the moment to end. 

She can't breathe, but it's a welcomed feeling. His body pressed against hers. His warmth radiated onto her. She had always loved the feeling. Paul grunts with every movement, and she gets lost in the sound. Clinging onto him in every way possible.

By the end of the night, once everything was over, they slept together. Paul's on his back. Mavis pressed against his chest. The sheet sits around their waist. Their legs were tangled together. Both his arms were wrapped around her, keeping her firmly in place. He's shirtless, and his skin is hot. They were both happy. Wanting nothing more than to be together, and they had that now.

Meanwhile, four people are approaching the house. Seven days of patrol Paul had missed. At first, they understood. All of them could feel his pain and knew he wasn't doing well with the disappearance of Mavis. However, Sam believed Paul needed fresh air. He was worried about him. They all were.

"I'll go in," Jared jogged up the steps.

"Make sure he gets up," Sam instructed. "And takes a shower."

"You got it." Jared forced open the front door and marched up the steps. It had been a week of Paul mopping around and whining about the missing girl. "Paul, you need to-" the words caught in his throat at the sight. The boy had never been so quick to close a door in his life. He stumbled down the steps, nearly losing his balance.

"Jared," Embry could hear him. "You good?"

The boy hurried outside, closing the front door. "Is he coming?"


Sam crossed his arms, "why not? He needs to get up and get moving. He'll feel better."

"Oh, I'm sure he feels just fine," Jared assured them. They all stare at him confused. "Mavis is back." That surprised them. "They're up there together."

Sam figures out what he's saying first. "Okay, great. He can start patrol again tomorrow." The others were still confused. "Come on, guys."

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