Chapter 31

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Three days until the wedding, and Mavis was shaking with excitement. Everything was coming together perfectly, and she was beyond thrilled. She stood on the balcony with a vibrant smile. Her family was beginning the organization of the backyard. There were dozens of boxes that were all full of decorations. In a few days, the backyard would be full of life. Bella and Edward's wedding was going to be beautiful.

Mavis glanced back at the house, admiring its beauty. She remembered when they moved here all those years ago. She was younger then, naive to the world. Many of her key memories were formed in this house.

Right now, her future was unclear. Soon Bella would become a vampire, and the treaty would be void. There was no telling what that meant for them. Would they move? Would Mavis be forced to leave with the new part of her life? She had no idea and silently feared what came next.

This house, their house, was her home. It was the first real home she ever had. There were memories in every room. Some good, others not so good. She met Bella in this house. Found peace in this house. Started high school in this house. Although, the night before her first day of high school wasn't easy.

Mavis showered in the upstairs shower silently. Humming a tune to an old song she once heard. Her fingers massaged the conditioner out of her hair, purple suds pooling at her feet. But with closed eyes, she failed to see. A minute later, she turned the shower off and stepped out.

Emmett continued to glance at the stairs. A large smile on his face as he waited. "What are you smirking about," Rosalie questioned. She had noticed his constant fidgeting.

"You'll see."

Rosalie wanted to question him but was interrupted by a loud scream. "What was that," Carlisle walked into the room. Esme, Edward, and Jasper followed him. Alice was already in the living room beside Emmett reading a book.

"Was that Mavis?"

The bathroom door hit the wall creating an echo. "Emmett!"

Jasper glanced at the boy, "what did you do?" He remained silent with a smirk still plastered on his face.

Mavis stomped down the stairs in a grey robe. However, her once beautiful blonde hair was purple. "Emmett!"

"Oh, my," Esme placed a hand over her mouth. She struggled to hide her smile. Edward didn't bother to hide his laugh.

"I'm going to kill you," Mavis yelled at him. She couldn't start high school with purple hair. Alice gaped at her, in a state of shock from the sight.

"You can't kill me if you can't catch me," Emmett jumped off the couch. Mavis clenched her fists but ran down the stairs.

A game started between them. The human girl was no match for Emmett, but she could throw things. It started with a book, which Esme caught before it hit a window. Next was a vase, which Carlisle caught before it hit the ground.

"This is a bad idea," Jasper grabbed Mavis as she passed.

She struggled in his grip, "my hair is purple!"

"I like it," Alice leaped from her chair. "It's a very flattering color on you."

"I start high school tomorrow. I can't go with hair like this."

Emmett came to a stop in the kitchen, leaning against the doorframe. "It's temporary. Should only last a week."

"A week," Mavis cried.

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