Chapter 54

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Mavis's eyes snapped open as her head fell to the side. She had fallen asleep while writing her paper. Glancing out the window, she realizes it's dark. Her headphones were still in, but nothing was playing. Mavis clicked the power button on her phone, but it didn't turn on. "Crap." Alice would be worried, and she hoped it wasn't too late. As quickly as possible, she began packing her stuff. There was a clock above the chair. The time read 9:03 P.M. Alice was going to be furious.

She grabbed her bag and quickly rushed down the aisle. Her feet padded against the floor as she hurried towards the exit. Mavis felt a sense of unease but assumed it was her fear of Alice and the lecture she would undoubtedly get.

Mavis walked into the cold night air and tugged on her sweater. It was dark out. The only light came from a few street lamps. There wasn't a soul in sight. However, something felt wrong. There was a light rain, typical Forks weather. Mavis glanced over her shoulder, but she didn't see anyone. She could feel eyes on her. Someone was watching her. Nervously, she hurried down the street towards her car.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps appeared. Mavis felt her heart start to race, and she began walking faster. She looked over her shoulder again. To her surprise, there was nothing. Nobody was behind her. Mavis could have sworn there was someone there.

As she went to turn around, her body collided into someone. "Oh," she stumbled into the alley next to her. Her eyes were full of panic, but it vanished at the sight of Travis. "Oh, you scared me."

"Sorry," but he clearly wasn't. "I saw you walking. I thought I would say hello."

Mavis offered him an apprehensive smile. "Well, hi. Sorry I have to get going. I fell asleep and have to get home before my parents flip."

She went to move around him, but he slid in front of her. Mavis stared at him, a questionable look on her face. Her gut instinct had returned. "Yeah, I saw you." Her heart started to race again at his revelation.


"You never answered my question from before," his hair was wet from the rain. "Coffee. Me and you." Again, it wasn't a question.

"Sorry, I'm busy," Mavis wanted nothing more than this conversation to end. Travis clicked his tongue and stepped closer. Mavis instantly moved back, but she felt the cold brick wall. She let out a nervous laugh, "I really have to go."

"See, I don't recall asking," he said. Travis raised his hand and pushed a strand of hair out of her face. Mavis tried to move away, but he placed his hand against the wall. She was trapped. The situation quickly started to set in for her. Travis was easily a hundred pounds heavier than her. His broad shoulders blocked the single light that illuminated the alley. "You know, I've always found you super pretty."

"I have to get going-"

"Mavis," he warned. "Don't be rude. We're having a conversation."

"Okay. Sorry." Mavis wanted to cry. She hated the way he was touching her. It wasn't gentle or kind. Travis dipped his head down. Instantly his scent filled her nose. His sweat mixed with his detergent. It made her nauseous. Her body was trembling from both her fear and the cold.

"Now, about that date we were talking about."

She could feel his breath on her neck. Mavis had never been so scared of a regular person in her life. "I'm sorry," her voice was weak. "I really should be going. My parents-"

"Are worried," he muttered against her. His nose rubbed against the side of her head. "You've told me." Mavis shivered. "Just one date. What do you say, baby?"


"Hey," a new voice spoke. She turned slowly, her body still shaking. Mavis's hair was matted to her head from the rain. "Get your hands," Paul muttered with a strange calmness, "off my girlfriend." Mavis hadn't fully processed the situation she was in until this very moment. "Now." His fists were clenched, and his body was shaking with anger.

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