Chapter 37

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Three days later, Paul and the others were going cliff diving, and he wanted her to come with. Mavis wasn't going to cliff jump but didn't mind spending time with the others. Being around Paul meant his friends were hers, and she liked the pack. Spending time with them was always fun. "Hey," Emmett knocked on the door. "Going out already? It's only noon."

"Yes," she said. "I told mom already."

He crossed his arms, a smirk on his face. "Going out to see that boy-toy of yours?"

"His name is Paul." Mavis grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "Shut up. It isn't your business anyway."

He had easily caught the pillow and tossed it aside. "Our little Mavis, all grown up. By the way, how was that sleepover at his house the other night?"

"Emmett," Mavis glared at him. "Will you shut up? Someone might hear you."

"Oh, I guarantee you that they can hear me. I just don't care." The child-like grin that was on his face caused her to laugh. Out of everyone in the house, he reacted the best to the news of her dating Paul. He never cared and only ever supported her. Mavis was always grateful for that and was glad to have him as a brother. He truly looked out for her. "Where are you going now? Are you going back out with him?" He had already asked that.

Mavis sighed, combing her fingers through her hair. "Yeah, I am."

Emmett glanced out the door and down the hallway. "Well, I'm happy you're this happy. It's nice to see it. But-" he paused, "I think some others would benefit if you spent more time around here."

Mavis grabbed her phone, "yeah? Well, I'll have plenty of time to do that after I'm forced to move again." Emmett went quiet after that. "I want to spend time with Paul before I'm never able to see him again." Mavis was still struggling to come to terms with that. It wasn't something she liked thinking about, ever. "I'm sorry that I'm not here enough, but I only have so much time."

"I know," and he did. "But it's like you're never here, and some of us aren't used to that."

"It won't last much longer," Mavis shrugged. "Bella and Edward will be back soon, and then we'll leave, and I'll never see Paul again." Her voice cracked at the end. "So, if you'll excuse me. I have to make the most of the time I do have, you know, before we're gone." She walked out the door and passed Emmett. He never tried to stop her, and neither did anyone else.


Mavis didn't understand the thrill of cliff diving. Nothing about it looked fun. It was entertaining to them, and she decided that watching was good enough. "Have you heard from her," Jacob stood beside her. "From Bella?"

She knew Jacob missed Bella and had been incredibly worried about her safety. "Yeah," Mavis assured him. "The other day. They were good. She was good. I think they were going hiking." Edward and Bella had only been gone for five days.

"Good." Jacob glanced towards the cliff. "Are you going to jump with them?"

She glanced at where Paul was, "no. No way. I think I would die, plus I don't like water where you can't see the bottom."

"Come on," Jacob kept encouraging her. "I think you could do it."

Mavis laughed, shaking her head. "I think I'll pass on that. Are you going?"

"No," he said. "I'm not really feeling it right now."

"Good, then you can keep me company while they're gone."

"I think I can manage that," Jacob playfully nudged her shoulder. He stared at the cliffs, but Mavis kept her eyes on the trees. Watching as the wind blew and the branches swayed. "Paul wants you to watch him while he jumps off the cliff."

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