Chapter 1

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Present Day

Getting back to Forks after time away felt odd to Mavis. She enjoyed traveling, mostly with her father throughout New York. They had split up for a while, everyone going their own way. She wasn't really sure why. Her mother returned home first after believing Bella had died. She hadn't, of course. Bella always seemed to survive.

Mavis Hale always enjoyed Forks. They had been here for a while, and as of now, hadn't planned on moving away. But they would eventually. They always did. The time away in New York was nice, but she missed Edward. He has vanished for a long time, but he was back now. Things finally felt like they were getting back to normal. Or as normal as things could be for a coven of vampires.

School would become an issue again, and Mavis wasn't looking forward to that aspect. Having the break to study with Esme was amazing. The two spent hours at museums, Esme teaching about things she learned and things she experienced.

Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. Mavis glanced up from her bed, noticing her mother leaning against the door frame. "What are you reading," Alice asked with a smile. She was always in a cheerful mood.

"Something Edward loaned me," she showed her the cover. However, Mavis hadn't read any of it. Her thoughts were consuming her, and focusing on the words was nearly impossible.

"Is it any good?"

"Honestly," Mavis sighed. "I haven't read any of it."

Alice walked into the room, taking a seat beside her on the bed. "I know," she pushed a piece of Mavis's hair back. "Jasper came by to ask if you were hungry, but he sensed your anxiety and got me."

"Of course he did," she chuckled. Her father was many things, but trying to communicate with her while she was in deep thought wasn't his strong point. He always sent Alice to do it.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm just tired," she began. "Everything going on with Bella, and I know Carlisle has been researching about-" she gestured to herself. "Me."

Alice sighed, knowing that he had been. They had found the girl over thirteen years ago, and in that time, had watched her grow. She was sixteen now, and they started to feel as if time was slipping away. The myths and legends about Banshee's varied depending on the text. Some stated banshees were spirits, others regular people, and some said they were immortal. Carlisle had tried searching for others, but there seemed to be no others living. "He can't find any others like me."

"He will," Alice grabbed her hand. "He will, and we'll figure out." But she feared the same thing Mavis did. She wasn't immortal like them, and her abilities would be too much as a vampire.

As time progressed, Mavis began to feel that calling to death. That extra sense Banshees had grew stronger each year. "And if he doesn't?"

"Then I'll find them," Alice declared. "I'll search every inch of this planet till we figure out what to do."

Mavis let her head rest on her mother's shoulder, enjoying the moment between them. There was something she thought would provide them answers to her, but asking scared her. However, Mavis knew they were running out of options. "Have you," she stuttered. "Have you thought about asking-"

Alice waited for her to continue, but she didn't. "Asking who, Sweetheart?"

"Nothing," Mavis waved her hand. "Nothing. It's stupid."

"Hey," she glanced at her. "Nothing you say is ever stupid."

Mavis didn't have any memories from before Alice and Jasper. They were all she knew. They were her real parents. She had more memories of Alice. It took Jasper a year to familiarize himself with her scent. But he eventually trusted himself around her and raised Mavis alongside Alice. Although Rosalie put up quite a fight when raising her, enjoying having a child around. "You're my mom," Mavis whispered. "The only mom I'll ever want." Alice smiled, "and I don't know much about the woman who tried to kill me." Alice didn't like talking about that night. But they weren't sure who the woman was. She said they had killed others like her. Other Banshee's, but they weren't sure if Mavis's biological mother was one or not. "But could she have answers?"

Alice paused, taking a deep breath. "No," she didn't want anything to do with her. "She doesn't."

Mavis wanted to argue but knew it was a bad idea. "Okay, sorry. I shouldn't have-"

"No, no," she pulled away from her. "You're right to think that, but trust me. She wouldn't help us even if we wanted her to."

"Of course," Mavis shook her head. "You're right."

Alice could sense there was more bothering the girl but didn't want to push her. "There's no need to worry about anything right now. We still have time."

But time was limited for Mavis, who still had blood inside her body. "Anyway," she wanted to change the conversation. "How was Italy?"

Alice chuckled, knowing what she was doing. "You know it was fine."

"Could have been more fun if I was there," Mavis had never been to Italy. That was for one very specific reason. The Volturi were there. "Where's Dad?"

"He's with Rosalie in the kitchen."

Mavis turned to her, "why?"

"They wanted to make you dinner," Alice explained happily.

"Oh no," Mavis stood up. "We need to stop them."


Mavis chuckled, "because they can't taste food, and they always put so much pepper in what they make. Even cereal. Who puts pepper in cereal?"

"Are we not supposed to," she questioned.

"Exactly." Alice smiled at the comment and stood up. Although the gesture from her family was kind, they were not good cooks. The two walked out of the room hand in hand.

The kitchen smelled surprisingly good as they approached. Jasper and Rosalie stood in front of the stove whispering. "Well, I can't eat, but it does smell amazing."

Jasper turned around, smiling when he saw the two. Mavis was not nearly as anxious when he walked past her room. "We're making lasagna."

"That's a new one," Mavis shuffled closer. "Smells good. How much pepper did you add?"

"Half a cup," Jasper grinned proudly. Mavis internally winced but let out an airy laugh. He seemed to be so proud of the food he was making. "Why? Is that not enough?"

"A little too much," she glanced at Rosalie. "Maybe we try pepperless food from now on."

"We'll work on it," Rosalie spoke for them. "I'll throw this out."

"No," Mavis stopped her. "No, I appreciate it. I'll eat it."

"Mave," Rosalie opened the stove and took out the pan. "Don't force yourself to eat it if you don't want it."

"I'll take you to get something," Alice wrapped an arm around her. "We need to go grocery shopping."

"I'll make a list." Mavis was the only one who ate food, but Esme usually went grocery shopping with her. There was no limit on what she could eat. If she wanted donuts, that is what they bought. Pizza? Done. It was nice, but Mavis knew eating junk food wouldn't be her best move. So sometimes she ate healthily, but mainly her meals consisted of pasta and cereal.

"Come on," Alice grabbed her jacket. "Let's get you something to eat."

The Banshee -Paul Lahote-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora