Chapter 56

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Mavis was sound asleep in her bed. Her hair sprawled over the pillow. Her lips were parted, and her eyebrows drawn together as she dreamed. Everything seemed fine, but that all changed in an instant. Mavis was woken up by a hand being placed over her mouth. Instantly her eyes flew open, and she stared at the person.

To her surprise, it was Alice. She raised a finger to her lips, a signal to keep quiet. Mavis nodded but was beyond confused. Alice grabbed a notepad and wrote down something. We have to leave, but we'll be back.

Mavis read over the notepad. She took it from her and wrote something back. Where are you going?

Alice wrote: Can't tell you but trust me. Do not tell anyone about us leaving. We'll text you from a prepaid cell phone. Answer the text and do exactly as we say, okay?

Mavis read over the words a few times. She knew this had to do with both the Volturi and Edward. If he tried, he could read Mavis's mind, but only if he put a lot of effort into it. Mavis scribbled down more words. Can I come with you?

It was Alice's turn. Not yet, but I need you to trust me. Can you do that? Mavis nodded. She didn't need to write that down. Alice wrote down more. When you get a text, tell no one. Mavis nodded again. She understood what was being asked of her. Alice set the notepad down and kissed the top of her head. She raised her hand and moved it back and forth. She was doing the ASL sign for I love you.

Mavis grinned and signed back to her. Alice offered her a sad smile and placed a hand on her cheek. Mavis had no idea where they were going but knew they would be safe. If Alice thought leaving was for the best, then Mavis trusted them. Alice dropped her hand and was out the door in the blink of an eye. Mavis sat in her spot a little longer, feeling the warmth of her mother's touch until it faded.


Mavis packed her bag. It wasn't much, but it would be enough for an overnight trip to Alaska. She was accompanying Edward, Bella, Jacob, and Renesmee to Alaska to see her cousins and convince them to join. It wouldn't be an easy task, but Mavis knew them. They would do the right thing no matter what.

"How many socks did you pack?" Jacob noticed the multiple pairs nearly falling out the top.

"Shut up," Mavis zipped the bag. "I don't have your wolf-warmth. I need to keep warm somehow."

"Wolf-warmth," he questioned with a laugh.

Mavis nudged him. Throwing her bag over her shoulder, she began to walk away. "Come on. I want to get out of here sooner rather than later."

Jacob grabbed his bag, "let's get this show on the road." He stopped moving as he caught sight of something outside. Approaching the house was Sam and Paul.

Mavis felt her heart drop at the sight of the young wolf. He was wearing a green flannel and dark jeans. Carlisle walked out of the house first. The rest followed, but Mavis felt frozen. Emmett was the only person who noticed and placed a hand on her shoulder. It was enough to bring her back to reality. Without looking at him, she ventured outside. "Alice asked me to give you this," Sam handed the note to Carlisle. "She and Jasper crossed our lands to the ocean last night."

"Carlisle," Esme was curious as to what the note said.

Mavis kept her eyes on the ground, her hand clutching the bag. "They left."

"Why," Rosalie asked.

"She didn't say."

"Can I see that?" Bella wanted to read the note that Alice had left behind.

"Mavis," Carlisle turned towards her. "Do you know anything about this?"

The attention was solely on her. Mavis lifted her gaze and momentarily locked eyes with Paul. She instantly looked away. "No," Mavis lied with ease. "Nothing."

The lie was bought by everyone other than Paul. He instantly noticed the hesitation in her muscles before responding to the man. She lied, but to him, it wasn't clear why. He couldn't ask either. It wasn't his place anymore. Bella folded the note and slipped it into her pocket. "We should get going," Jacob moved up the stairs.

"Thank you, Sam," Carlisle was grateful that he took the time to deliver the note.

"Of course." Paul watched as Jacob took the bag from Mavis's hand. She smiled at him appreciatively. "Come on, Paul." Sam stepped back and prepared to walk away. Paul took another look at Mavis, who had already followed Jacob into the house, before leaving with Sam.


Jacob sat uncomfortably in the back of the car. He was pressured into the middle seat. Neither Renesmee nor Mavis wanted it. At the time, it seemed like a good idea, but it wasn't. Mavis was asleep on his right shoulder while Renesmee was staring out the window. The group of five drove through the Alaskan mountains silently. They were fearful of the approaching interaction.

"We're almost there," Edward informed them.

Jacob glanced at Mavis. "Hey, Mavis," he gently woke her. "We're almost here."

Her blue eyes fluttered open, a yawn escaping. The car was colder than it had been when she fell asleep. Mavis rubbed her arms, pushing off of his shoulder. "Sorry." She hadn't meant to fall asleep on him. The car ride was incredibly long.

Jacob smiled, not thinking much of it. Slowly, the cabin came into view. Mavis felt her heart start to race. The Denali's were open-minded people, but Irina had been the one to seek out the Volturi. "Wait here," Edward turned the car off.

"Okay," Bella agreed.

Edward got out of the car and began approaching them. It was weird to see her cousins as a group of four. There were always five of them. Mavis knew that Bella and Jacob could listen to the conversation. She didn't have that ability.

The group spoke to Edward, clearly confused about their sudden appearance. Bella turned around. "Okay," she spoke to Renesmee. "Time to meet some new people."

"What if they don't like me?"

"They'll love you," Jacob assured her.

"I know they will. They just need to understand you."

"They haven't met anyone like you before."

Mavis smiled at the young girl. "It's going to be fine."

"Let's go." Bella opened the car door and got out. Mavis opened her door, and Jacob followed. Renesmee crawled out last, and they slammed the doors closed. Mavis could see from a distance her family's fearful faces. They were afraid of Renesmee and what that meant. Tanya ran at Edward, but he threw her into the snow.

Kate grabbed onto him and used her abilities to electrocute him. Bella rushed towards the growing fight. Her abilities overpowered Kate, and she was tossed aside. Mavis watched as they both got off the ground and prepared for another fight.

Jacob kept an eye on the fight. His hand raised to keep Renesmee and Mavis from being attacked. However, no fight happened. Edward was speaking to them, seemingly convincing them to listen. Renesmee was not an immortal child as they feared. She was half-human. There was blood in her veins. 

Edward waved his hand, a signal for them to approach. Jacob picked up Renesmee, and Mavis walked with him towards her cousins. The black boots she wore sunk into the fresh snow. It was cold, her body shivering slightly.

Mavis locked eyes with Tanya, offering her a nervous smile. Jacob stepped close, letting Renesmee raise her tiny hand. It was her way of communicating. "Don't be scared. It's how she communicates." Tanya didn't fight as Renesmee touched her cheek. A silence followed. Mavis found the fear inside of her returning.

After a moment, Renesmee pulled her hand away. Tanya appeared to be shaking. "It's true." Carmen and Eleazar shared a look. "She isn't immortal." They stepped closer, wanting to get a better look at the girl. Mavis felt her body relax. She knew they would be understanding. They always were.

The Banshee -Paul Lahote-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz