Chapter 18

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"Hey," Mavis greeted her parents nervously. Alice and Jasper were sitting at the kitchen table. "Can I ask you a question?"

Jasper slowly lowered his newspaper. The only visible part about him was his eyes. "Oh, yes," Alice clapped her hands together. "What is it?"

"Um, Emily invited me over for a bonfire. Can I go?"

They two stared at her, almost unsure of what she was asking. "I don't know." The blond man glanced at the woman beside him. "Who's going to be there?"

"Just the pack," Mavis shrugged as if it was no big deal. "I'll only be gone a few hours."


Alice hummed as she pretended to think. Tapping her chin in the process. "Be back by eleven."

"What," Jasper sputtered. "You're agreeing to this?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, because," he pointed at their daughter. "You know why. I think you should stay here. The newborns will be here-"

"In two days," Mavis reminded him. "I'm fine. Plus, you guys are hunting tonight. It would be easier if I was with them. And safer." Alice watched Jasper carefully. "And I kind of already told them I would go."

Jasper slumped back in his chair, tossing his newspaper to the side. "Well," her mother jumped up from her spot. "I hope you have a wonderful time." She grabbed her hands and tugged Mavis closer. "You smell like lavender."

"I used some perfume. Why? Is it too much?"

She giggled, "no. You smell great. Have fun." Alice kissed her cheek. "Eleven at the latest. How are you getting there?"

"Bella," she informed her.

"Does anything I say matter," Jasper huffed under his breath.

"Thanks, mom." Mavis pulled her hair over her shoulder. With that, she rushed towards the front door.

"Ten o'clock," Jasper shouted after her.

"Eleven," Alice corrected.

Mavis laughed as she threw open the front door. Her eyes caught sight of Bella and Edward outside. Bella waved at her, pushing away from her boyfriend. The blonde girl happily jogged down the steps towards them.


"Hey," Jacob closed the car door behind him. "Bella didn't want to stay?"

"Sorry," Mavis didn't actually ask her to join. "She's busy with Edward tonight while the Cullens eat." The fire had already started, and the others were gathered around. She noticed that none of the council leaders were there. It was just the younger ones.

"Right." He wasn't good at hiding his disappointment. Although, Mavis didn't care.

"What? Am I not good enough for you?"

Jacob rolled his eyes, nudging her with his elbow. "You're perfect, don't worry."

"Hey," Emily cut them off them. She pushed away from Sam and jogged towards them. Mavis was surprised when Emily pulled her in for a hug. "It's so good to see you again."

"You too. Thank you for letting me join."

"You're always welcome here." Mavis really liked Emily. She was different than the wolves that surrounded them and the vampires she knew. A breath of fresh air that Mavis liked. "Jacob, since you're standing mind helping me with something real quick?" Sam pushed up from the ground and jogged over to her.

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