Chapter 20

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Tomorrow was the day they all were dreading. The newborns would be here, and a fight would ensure. Edward and Jacob were spending the night in the mountains with Bella in order to keep her safe. They would most likely leave after the final training session. It was still unclear where Mavis would be during the fight, but she tried not to think about it. "Thanks for letting me join you," Mavis spoke. "I appreciate it."

"You don't have to thank me," Emily shrugged. "We're friends."

That made her smile. She didn't have many friends outside her family. "Friends," Mavis mumbled to herself. However, Emily heard her. It caused the older woman to grin.

"The boys will be back soon," she informed her. "They always seem to get back just as the food is done."

"Must be a wolf thing." Mavis followed Emily into the next room. They sat down at the small table. There was still a lot unknown information about the wolves. It was clear Emily wasn't one of them, but she knew about them. "When did Sam tell you he was a shapeshifter?"

Emily sighed, "before we got together."

"Really?" Mavis wasn't expecting that. The group kept the secret well hidden. It wasn't like Sam to tell people what they were. She always assumed Sam told her once they were engaged. "I thought it was a big secret? That they never tell anyone?"

"Yeah, it is," Emily nodded. The scars on her face were her most distinguishable feature now. Mavis had been around her enough that they hardly phased her. "Imprints can know. It's up to them whether they say anything or not."

Mavis caught a word, Imprint. It sounds familiar, as if someone had said it before. "What's an imprint?"

Emily visibly froze, as if she had been caught doing something she wasn't supposed to. "You don't know what that is?"

"No." She had no idea what an imprint was. "Is it like a footprint or something?"

Emily fidgeted in her spot, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly. Before Mavis could get an answer, a car engine cut them off. Emily sighed in relief, quickly pushing up from the table. The blonde followed after her. There was shouting from outside, and that caused her to worry. Opening the door, Emily stepped out. Mavis followed after her and noticed a fight. "I didn't ask for your help," Paul shouted at Jacob.

"Well, I gave it to you anyway," Jacob shouted back at him.

"This is ridiculous," Jared tried to calm the two of them down.

Paul shoved Jacob roughly, but he reacted instantly. The fight was escalating between the two boys quickly. "Hey, hey," Sam tried to pull Paul back. Embry and Quil grabbed Jacob. "Knock it off!"

"What's going on," Emily asked. She kept an arm out in front of Mavis. Wanting to make sure they both kept a reasonable distance.

"Just some stupid argument." Seth glanced at her but did a double-take seeing Mavis. "Oh. Hey, Mavis."

Paul turned his head, dropping his hands hearing Seth's words. His chest was heaving as he tried to control his anger. Once he stopped fighting, Jacob did the same thing. "Let go of me," Paul shoved Sam off of him.

Sam glanced at Mavis, "all right." He let go.

"Let's go inside," Jared spoke to the group. Seth and Embry were quick to agree.

"We made lasagna," Emily spoke hoping to lighten the mood. "Should be done any-" the timer went off. "Minute."

"Lasagna," Seth raised an eyebrow. "That sounds amazing." Quil shoved past Embry, and the two began a battle to see who could get inside first.

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