Chapter 39

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Mavis's fingers skimmed down the side of her book as she flipped the page. The sound was faint against the background noise. It was the morning after her conversation with Paul. It still wasn't easy for him to comprehend, but there was nothing he could do. Mavis loved her family, and he would never ask her part with them. Physically, he appeared fine to his friends. Mentally was a different story. He worked hard to protect his thoughts from them. Never once letting his true feelings breakthrough.

It was easier said than done. However, the others didn't fail to notice his mood. He wasn't truly engaged in the conversation that was being had around him. All he wanted was to be close to Mavis, who was lost in her book. Typical, he thought. She always got lost in her books. Forgetting the world around her. Paul wished he enjoyed reading more. He liked when she read aloud, but not because of the story. He always liked the sound of her voice. He could pinpoint it from anywhere, even if he closed his eyes. He began to wonder how much longer he would hear it and how long it would be before it faded from his mind forever.

Mavis's legs were resting on top of his thighs. They sat on the small couch in Emily's house. He held her for the first time on that very couch many months ago. That was the day he broke his rule of not getting attached to her. Now, she was resting against his shoulder. Arm tucked under his as she read a book. Paul was grateful he decided to break that rule.

Every now and then, she would laugh at something funny or huff in displeasure when things didn't turn out how she wanted. Paul smiled every time, glancing at her in complete adoration. The others pretended not to notice that either, but they did. They noticed every time.

There was a simplicity in their actions, almost domestic. They worked together, and anyone watching could see it.

That was why leaving was so much harder. It would have been different if there was no imprint bond. Nothing that tied them together. But there was.

This was the situation they were in, and for Mavis, it was easier to ignore the thought altogether. That was why she read. She was close to Paul, her body pressed against his side. However, her brain was in an entirely different world. A fantasy world. A world that couldn't hurt her like this one could.

Emily walked out of the kitchen with a stack of muffins in her hands. Paul reached forward to grab one, and it was the first time Mavis looked away from her book. Jared and Embry shoved each other with their elbows. Sam kissed Emily's cheek, tossing a muffin in the air. Seth set his feet on the table, but Quil pushed them away. Complaining about how close to his face they were.

"Want one," Paul lifted his muffin in the air. The idea of eating didn't sound good to her. Not in that moment.

"No," Mavis hummed. "Later, perhaps." The kitchen sink was running water, and it echoed through the house. "Ate a big breakfast." She didn't have the same appetite as her boyfriend.

"Your loss," he took a giant bite of his muffin.

She giggled, looking back at her book. If she knew anything about Paul, it was that he was always eating. "We should go to the beach later."

"Yeah," Seth agreed. "Maybe a bonfire after?"

"We can't have a bonfire every night because you're bored," Jared argued. "Beside's, you're on patrol tonight."

Seth sighed, "right."

"Maybe another time," Embry tried to cheer him up. "Next week?" All eyes went to Sam.

"Sure," Sam shrugged, only half paying attention.

"Nice," Seth fist-bumped Quil. Paul slung his arm around Mavis's shoulder. She glanced over the top of her book at him, "whatcha reading, Mavis?"

She turned to Seth, "just some old book I found at the bookstore."

"Nice," he wasn't entirely interested. He just wanted to be friendly.

Paul watched as she returned to her book. He moved gently, letting her rest more on him. That way, she wouldn't strain her arm muscles by holding the book in the air. Quil snorted, "who knew Paul was such a sucker?"

Paul glared at him, "watch your mouth, Ateara."

He put his hands in the air, "woah, calm down."

"It's not like he could do anything about it," Jared joined in. "Not without Mavis's permission."

"Hey," Sam snapped at him. "Knock it off before you start something we'll have to finish." It was a line he used constantly.

Paul continued to glare at them but didn't speak further. He took a deep breath, suppressing his anger. "No, you idiot," Mavis muttered to herself.

"What," Paul questioned her.

She glanced at him, "sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud. Devin proposed to the princess, but he's in love with Claire." Mavis went back to reading her book. The sink was still on, and she began to think that Emily had forgotten. "What an idiot, right?"

"Right," Paul agreed with her. He always agreed with her.

Mavis shook her head and continued reading. "See," Jared pointed at them. Sam gave him a warning look.

She turned the page, "Emily, you left the sink running."

"Crap," Emily turned to shut the sink off. However, her steps faltered. The sink water wasn't running. "Uh-"

The rest of the group glanced at the kitchen, but the sink wasn't on. Mavis turned the page in her book, a hum coming from her. Paul glanced at his girlfriend, unsure of what had just happened. "The sink isn't-"

"Hey," Jacob walked into the house. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Sam muttered. "We need to do a perimeter run this morning. Embry, Paul, you ready to go?"

"Yeah," the conversation shifted quickly. Everyone disregarded the incident assuming it was a misinterpretation of sound.

But Paul knew that it was something more, and he was determined to protect her from whatever could be coming. He remembered how the hospital incident affected her and didn't want a repeat. "Yeah," Paul agreed next. He pulled away from Mavis, who glanced at him. "I'll be back in a little bit. Stay on the Rez, okay?"

"Sure. I'll be here."

"Great," he gently kissed her cheek. Silently, he followed Sam and Embry out of the building.

Jacob sighed, sitting down beside her on the couch. Everyone redivided into private conversations. "So," he started. "Anything about Bella?"

Mavis closed her book. "If you're checking to see if she's still human, then you would be happy to know that she is alive and breathing." It seemed all Jacob ever wanted from her was updates about Bella. It was slightly annoying. "They went to a waterfall yesterday. She sent me pictures if you want to see them."

"No, thanks," Jacob waved his hand. "I don't want to see pictures of her and him."

Mavis held back from rolling her eyes. She knew Jacob wasn't trying to be rude, but it was hard to hear. Edward was her family, and the group seemed to forget that sometimes. Paul and Seth were the best at watching their words, but some of the others struggled. "Okay," she mumbled. "Whatever you say."


Posting a double update tonight! Also be sure to check out some of my other books while you wait for updates!

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