Chapter 33

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Today was the day Bella and Edward were getting married. Mavis's entire body radiated with excitement. Everything was set up perfectly by Alice the day before. All that had to be done now was the ceremony.

Mavis stood in front of the sink as she stared at herself in the mirror. It wasn't often she felt pretty, but at that moment, she felt beautiful. Rosalie had done her makeup perfectly. From the light blush on her cheeks to the gentle tan and gold that surrounded her eyes and the soft red lipstick. The woman had also done her hair. It laid in magnificent blonde waves that traveled over her shoulders. Half of her hair on one side was pinned in a pink diamond flower pin.

The dress was a different story. The theme that the bridesmaids had taken was purple. Mavis had the darkest shade of purple, but the silk dress shined in the lighting. It ended at her calf, with a slit on the left side that went above her knee. The front draped slightly causing a few natural creases. The back of the dress was open with a few strings at the bottom to tie it together.

Mavis hardly recognized herself, but she felt beautiful. Everything about her was done to Rosalie's definition of perfection. "Hey," Alice knocked on the door. "Bella is putting on her dress now. The ceremony will start soon." She continued to stare at herself. "You've been in there for a while. Do you hate the dress? You hate it, don't you?"

"I'm sure it's fine," Jasper tried to comfort her.

The blonde turned around, unlocking the door. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. Jasper and Alice stared at her. "Wow," Alice fanned her face. "You're so beautiful."

Mavis grinned, "I feel beautiful."

"I think there's a wedding rule where a guest isn't supposed to outshine the bride," Jasper commented. "And both the woman in my life have broken that rule."

Alice playfully glared at him, "you both look great." Mavis couldn't believe that the people in front of her were her parents. She felt lucky to call them that. "Should we get going?"

"Yes," Alice interlocked their elbows. "Let's get to our seats while Bella finishes getting ready." Mavis nodded and began walking with them down the stairs.

As excited as she was for the wedding, Mavis felt a sense of loneliness from Paul's absence. Jasper seemed to sense her sudden change in mood because the sadness vanished in an instant. Normally, she would have yelled at him for playing with her emotions, but today wasn't about her. It was about Edward and Bella.

They stepped outside, and Mavis was overcome with beauty. Everything was perfect. It felt as if she had been transported to another world. "Wow," she gasped. "Mom, you outdid yourself."

"I know," she squealed. "It's magnificent. I can't believe I pulled it together."

"Mavis," Rosalie walked towards them. "You're glowing."

"Thanks to you," she smiled at her. "I couldn't have looked this good without you."

Esme approached them, "you look so grown."

"I know," Jasper forced a sigh. "I hate it."

There was a chorus of laughs gaining the attention of a few others. "Come on. Let's say hello to our family quickly." Mavis didn't put up much of a fight and began following her family.

"Mavis," Tanya's voice called. She spun around in search of her. The Denali's weren't hard to find. "My precious Mavis. Look at you."

"Tanya," she wrapped her arms around the woman. "I am so happy to see you."

"You look beautiful," Kate commented. "And so grown." Mavis hugged her next.

Jasper and Alice stood behind her. "I've been getting that a lot recently."

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