The End

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If you are reading this right after publishing, just know I published a chapter before this!

I would like to say thank you for all the reads/likes/comments. This has been such a fun journey, and I have loved writing this book. I also love reading all your comments! It is one of my favorite things to do. I really hope you liked this book.

There is a second book featuring Mavis and Paul post-twilight. This book will continue their love story while dealing with entirely new issues involving Mavis and her abilities, along with the problems of her past. The second book is now published and is titled The Beacon.

If you like my writing, be sure to check out some of my other stories! I have a Marvel book, a story about an ex-Hydra experiment brought to live with The Avengers called The Force. A Teen Wolf book about Avery McCall, the younger sister of Scott McCall, who faces issues with the pack while exploring new love called Deputy. I also write for other fandoms including, The Hunger Games, On My Block, The Maze Runner, and more.

Thank you again! I hope you stay with me as we journey through book two together.

With so much love, The Author.

The Banshee -Paul Lahote-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin