Chapter 29

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Mavis laid on the ground in the living room. Her hair shaped her head like a halo, and the light above her paled her skin. The sweatshirt wasn't hers. It was Paul's. The sweatpants were Emmett's. Mavis felt conflicted on the inside. She had met Paul's father and seen his house. It was the biggest step the Lahote boy had ever taken.

However, Mavis found herself falling into a spiral. Paul had been to her house once. It was for the graduation party, but he never made it past the second floor. Alice's vision ruined the night. She wanted Paul to see her house, her room, and everything else that mattered. That included her family. He had never formally met most of them. Not as himself, at least.

Someone laid beside her, but Mavis didn't move her head to look at them. There was a silence, the person staring at the ceiling. "What are we doing?" Mavis was surprised by the voice. It was Rosalie.

Mavis sighed, "we're free-falling."

"Can I ask why?"

"It's about Paul," it was faint. "I know you don't care. You don't have to worry about it."

There was a silence, and Mavis waited for Rosalie to leave. She never did. The other blonde stayed by her side, lying on the floor. Their heads were inches apart, and their bodies faced in different directions. "What happened?"

Mavis had been dating Paul for six weeks. They were a great six weeks. Some of the best memories had been formed in that time frame. Yet, she felt incomplete. "I met his dad and saw his house."

Rosalie glanced at her, "that's it?"

"No," there was more. "He won't come to the wedding."

"Because of us?"

"I think so," Mavis knew Paul still struggled with being around vampires. He was working on it but had yet to make any progress. "I know he blames the histories for his choices, but you're not like those vampires. You're my family. I wish he could see that." Her eyes were locked on the ceiling and focused solely on the marks on the beams.

"You really like him, don't you?" Mavis finally turned her head and stared at Rosalie. She did like Paul a lot. Their relationship was blossoming beautifully, but there were bumps. The bumps were always family-related.

"I'm afraid he'll never accept any of you. I don't know what to do then."

Rosalie rolled onto her side, placing a hand on the young girl's cheek. "Relationships take work and time. I do know that if you love someone, you cherish them. Even the parts you disagree with." Mavis had never been in love and wasn't sure what it felt like. Although she knew there was a chance she could love Paul, the relationship was still new. Mavis wanted to wait until she was sure about her feelings before talking about them. "If I can work on it, then he will too."

"Thank you," Mavis smiled at her. "For everything you do for me."

Rosalie opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by Edward. "Why are there five pies in our kitchen?"

"I was baking," Mavis called back to him. "They're for Bella. Do not touch them." Edward mumbled something incoherent, but she didn't care enough to question him. In the last month, Mavis had discovered a new passion, baking. It was her new favorite thing, and she owed it to Emily. Paul sometimes went out a lot with the pack, and Mavis found herself with Emily. The girl baked a lot, and she started to pick up the skill. Now, Mavis loved to bake. The only problem was, nobody could eat it. Bella always took the desserts home to Charlie, who loved them.

"Hey," Emmett jumped over the railing. "We're leaving. Are you coming?" He was speaking directly to Rosalie. "Why are you both laying on the floor?"

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