Chapter 21

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The crackling of something breaking returned, but Mavis didn't tell anyone. By now, she knew it wasn't a fireplace, but it had to be something. Something important. She pulled her hair back into a tight ponytail. She could see Alice staring at her through the mirror in front of her. "Is it time?"

"Almost," Alice whispered nervously. The plan had been set in motion the previous night. The newborns would be here in a few hours, and Carlisle had the idea to bring her up onto the mountain with Bella and Edward. They had been there since the previous day, but any remaining sent of Bella would be covered by her forcing the newborns to believe Bella was in the field they planned to fight.

"I'm ready whenever you guys are."

Alice rubbed her hands together. "It's not too late. We can get you on a flight to Alaska right now. Tanya and the others have been dying to see you. I'm sure they-"

"Mom," Mavis pushed up from the chair. "It's going to be okay. I want to be here." She had to be here.

"Are you sure," Alice pushed. "It's unsafe-"

"I'm sure." She was sure. She wanted to be close to her family and help out in any possible way. Flying to Alaska felt like she was abandoning her family when they needed her. "I want to help."

"Help? You've helped more than anyone else."

The blonde girl rolled her eyes, "you know I mean."

"I know." Alice glanced down at her sweatshirt. "Who's is that?"

Mavis felt her heart start to race. "Um, it's Paul's."

Alice raised an eyebrow, "and why do you have it, missy?"

Just then, Jasper approached them, a sullen look on his face. "Ready?"

"I am," Mavis wanted to leave sooner rather than later. "Be safe, okay? I'll see you when it's over."

"Yeah." Alice placed a hand on her cheek. "Don't leave the campground no matter what."

"No matter what," she repeated. Mavis was pulled in for a tight hug. She let out a puff of air from the force. "Okay, a little tight."

"Sorry," Alice chuckled pulling away from her. "Okay, I love you. If you need anything, scream. I'll hear you."

"If I scream, I think all of Fork's will hear me." Mavis stepped around her and towards Jasper. "Let's go."


"I don't like being away from you," Jasper whispered as they waited for Sam and Seth. "You should have gone to Alaska."

"You sound like mom." Mavis knew her parents were just worried, but she could handle herself. "It'll be fine. I trust Carlisle's idea, and I'll have Edward and Seth."

"Edward's only priority is Bella," his tone held resentment. "I don't trust him to protect you."

"Hey," she stopped him. "Don't say that. Edward is family. He won't let anything happen to me."

Jasper clearly didn't believe her, but there was not much else to be said. Walking over the hill was Sam and Seth. However, they were accompanied by a third. It was Paul. Mavis wasn't expecting to see him. "Hey," Seth had a cheerful look on his face.

"Hey," Mavis waved at him.

"This is the field you want to use," Sam questioned Jasper.

"It'll give us an advantage and allow you to hide in the treeline." Sam watched where Jasper was pointing, explaining the plan to him.

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