Chapter 36

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Mavis has no idea what to do next. She didn't want to go home and answer a bunch of questions, but she also didn't want to see any of her friends. All she wanted to do was be alone and process what happened. It was a lot of information to absorb at once. Noah was dead, but he spoke to her. He touched her. His touch made her nauseous now.

Why was it always her? That was all Mavis could think about. She must have been cursed as a child to get such a dark ability. She didn't want this. She never wanted any of this. All she wanted was to be normal.

Cursed. That was a good word to describe herself. Being a Banshee was a curse, and Mavis had no idea how to break it. Being alone allowed her emotions to take over. Tears freely streamed down her cheeks, and she buried her head in her arms, which rested on her knees. The bottoms of her feet rested against the sand at La Push beach. It was the last place she expected anyone to find her. It was late into the night, and it was entirely empty.

If they really wanted to find her, they could. Carlisle's car had a GPS. They knew where she was if needed. La Push was off-limits to them but not to her friends. However, they wouldn't be looking for her. Paul should still be on patrol, and then he would go straight home to sleep as he always did.

The waves crashed against the shore, and Mavis found herself lost in the sound. Everything felt calm here, and she needed that right now. To be here now was the important thing. Mavis was safe on the beach and continued to listen to the crashing of the waves. The repetition was soothing.

Suddenly, a hand touched her shoulder. Mavis gasped and looked up at the person. "Hey, Mave," Paul sat down beside her.

Mavis wiped the tears under her eyes, "what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you," he responded.

"Why? How did you even know I was-"

"Charlie," he cut her off. "He tells Billy everything."

"And he told you?"

"No, actually," he muttered. "Sue overheard and told Sam." Mavis looked away from him, "are you okay?"

"I don't know," that was her honest answer. "No."

He stared at her, "what happened? How can I help?" He had heard some from the others but knew there was more to the story.

"How did you even find me?"

"I can always find you," Paul responded. It seemed obvious to him, but that was news to Mavis. "What are you doing here?"

She sighed, "I didn't want to go home, and I felt safe here." Mavis glanced at him, "you didn't have to look for me. I'm fine."

"We both know that's a lie," he nudged her gently. "And I wanted to. I was worried about you." He was worried about her. Mavis didn't want him to always be worried about her. "Now," Paul paused. "Want to tell me what's going on?"

Mavis didn't know if talking about it would help or not. "I don't think I want to talk about it yet." She didn't want to think about it either. All she wanted was to sleep.

Paul smiled at her, "that's okay too." A momentary silence fell between them. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she was okay. "I'm just really tired."

He nodded, "want me to walk you home?"

"I don't want to go home." Mavis didn't want to return home to a house full of people who would question what happened. "I'm not ready for that." But she was exhausted.

"Okay, you don't have to," Paul shrugged. He was exhausted after being on patrol all day, but he knew that Mavis needed him right now. "We can go to my house."

"Your house?" She raised an eyebrow at the suggestion. Alice and Jasper would never allow her to do that. But Mavis didn't have to tell them. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," he stood up and held out his hand. "Come on." Mavis took his hand.


Mavis slipped the sweatshirt over her head and set it on the dresser as she walked back into the room. She was wearing a pair of running shorts and a black T-shirt. Paul's black T-shirt. Her hair was pulled over her shoulder, and she watched him carefully. It was an interesting sight to see Paul nervous. He always was around her when things were new. He pulled back the covers on the bed and made sure there were plenty of pillows. "Paul?"

"Yeah," he spun around quickly. When his eyes caught sight of her, he froze. "You look great."

She glanced down at her outfit, "I'm just wearing your shirt?"

"Yeah, I know." That caused her to laugh. He always liked seeing her in his clothes. "I grabbed an extra blanket. I know how you get cold easily." Mavis appreciated the gesture.

"Thank you," she covered her mouth as she yawned. The blonde girl sat down on the edge of the bed.

Paul knew how tired she was. He felt the same way. "I'll be downstairs if you need me."

"What," she was starting to wake back up. "But this is your room. You should sleep in your bed." Paul stared down at her, almost unsure what to do in the situation. "I've seen your couch. It's small." Mavis could easily have taken the couch or gone home now that she was feeling more herself. But she didn't want to leave. She also knew Paul would never let her sleep on the couch. "Why don't we just share the bed?" She crawled back on the small bed, patting the area beside her.

Meanwhile, Paul's heart was racing in his chest. "Are," he cleared his throat, "are you sure?"

"Yeah," she was. "It's not the first time I've slept next to you." However, this situation was entirely different. The last time was completely unplanned. They had been watching a movie at Bella's, and Mavis fell asleep. This was intentional. This was sleeping together. It felt like a big step, and Paul was apprehensive. It's not that he didn't want to, because he did. He was just scared. Scared he would frighten her away or overwhelm her. "Paul?"

He slowly lowered himself onto the bed beside her. This is entirely new territory for both of them. Mavis shuffles under the covers and leans against the soft pillows. She's exhausted, but her heart is racing. She's nervous but also excited. Every step she took in her relationship was a good one, and she knew this would be too.

Paul stayed a few inches away from her, his body tense as he waited for her to move. When Mavis laid down, he did too. After that, he remained entirely still. The pillow smells like him. Everything smells like him. Instantly, she relaxes. Sleep is quickly creeping up on her, but she hates the way Paul is acting. He has no idea what to do, but that changes as she places a hand on his shoulder. He glances at her, his eyes scanning over her soft features. Mavis doesn't appear nervous, and that relaxes him.

She's exhausted and can feel Paul's body heat from inches away. Naturally, she moves closer. He works around her body, allowing Mavis to rest against his side. They're both overwhelmed by their own tiredness, but they want to be in the moment for as long as possible. Any fears either of them felt were long gone. The silence was comfortable, and Mavis rested against his chest.

Her touch is cold, but it causes tingles against his skin. Paul can't breathe, but in a good way. He's overwhelmed, which wasn't something he often felt. That was always how it was when he was with Mavis. She was different than anyone before her. Paul was never really someone who had girlfriends. Sure, there were a few girls, but he was never fully committed. This was different. Mavis was different. She was different than anyone he had ever met. The girl was sheltered, but at the same time, worldly.

Mavis is asleep in minutes. Her eyes closed, and her face buried in his chest. The events from the day had been exhausting, and she found herself desperately in need of rest. Paul could easily fall asleep, but he's holding on. For what? He's not sure. Just the moment is too good to give up right now. His heightened senses allow him to hear her steady breathing and smell her perfume that's faded throughout the day. Her scent was meshed with his. She wore his shirt constantly, allowing his scent to stay on her even when they were apart. He wondered how the Cullens felt about that. Her heart beat is steady now, and it's comforting in a way he will never understand.

Mavis shifted against him, her leg pushing up and resting against his thighs. Paul swallows the lump is throat, pushing away any unwanted thoughts. Closing his eyes, he wrapped an arm over her stomach and fell into a deep slumber.

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