Chapter 28

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Mavis had planned to see Paul, but things hadn't gone as planned. When she arrived at where she suspected her boyfriend was, she learned that the pack was gone. They were searching for Jacob, who had run off nearly twelve hours prior. Bella had sent him an invitation to her wedding, but he didn't react well. He ran off and transformed before disappearing into the trees.

Sam had instructed everyone to look for him, and that included Paul. They had been searching all day. Emily didn't think they would be back until late into the night. That didn't bother Mavis. She knew he would eventually return, hopefully with Jacob.

However, she had time to pass. Mavis ventured over the hill in front of Emily's and down the path into the woods. After a decent hike, she found herself deep in the woods in the middle of a clearing. Mavis walked on top of the hill and sat down in the middle. With time to spare, she pulled out a notebook and began writing. With Bella and Edward's wedding approaching, she wanted to reach out to her cousins in Alaska.

Mavis had her face pressed against the window as they drove up the hill. It was cold from the harsh weather just beyond the glass. Alice continuously glanced at her, a bright smile on her face. Mavis had never been around snow before, and she seemed to enjoy it. "We're almost there," Alice's voice broke the silence.

Mavis's face pulled away from the glass, her cheeks pink. "Okay, mommy."

Jasper glanced at his wife and then at his daughter. Mavis had recently turned seven, but she was short for her age. Alice said that would soon change, but part of him didn't want that.

The car came to a stop, and Mavis unbuckled her seatbelt. "Are you ready to meet your cousins?" The young girl glanced through the front window. Five people were standing in front of a cabin.

"Okay." It was the best answer they would get.

Alice slipped out her door quickly and then opened the back door. She stuck her hand out for Mavis, who happily accepted. The red winter coat she wore was overly thick. She felt like a marshmallow. The yellow mittens were a bright contrast against the snow. Alice grabbed her hand, and Jasper held the other. They began walking towards the house.

A blonde woman shuffled forward, her hands pressed to her face. "Wow," she was nervous. "Thank you for allowing us to meet her."

"Of course," Alice grinned at her. "Mavis, this is Tanya."

Tanya bent down in front of her, "hi. I'm Mavis."

"Hi, Mavis," Tanya's eyes were the same color as Alice's and Jasper's. "It's wonderful to meet you."

"You have eyes like mommy and daddy."

The other four approached, "that's because we're family."

Alice crouched down, "this is Kate, Irina, Eleazar, and Carmen."

"Hello," Mavis nervously stepped behind Jasper, who smiled at her actions. She was slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people she was meeting.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Carmen scrunched her nose. "Do you like hot chocolate?"

"Yes." Mavis loved hot chocolate.

"Would you like to come inside and get some?"

Mavis glanced at Alice, who shook her head. "Yes."

Tanya held a hand out for her to take, and Mavis accepted. They happily guided her towards the house. She explained to the young girl all of the fun ideas they had planned, including sledding. Alice and Jasper watched them for a moment. "Why do I have a feeling we are never getting our daughter back?"

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