Chapter 34

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Mavis could have stayed in her own world the entire night. Paul stayed incredibly close to her the whole time. Too afraid to be left alone in case one of her vampire family members struck up a conversation with him. Although she didn't mind his company. Not in the slightest. If anything, she enjoyed the feeling of him close by. The way his hand always rested on her bareback, or his fingers intertwined with hers. Just having him close to her made her feel complete.

Alice and Jasper were dancing in the center. They both were experienced dancers and wanted to show off their skills. Rosalie and Emmett were in a back corner, arms wrapped around each other. Carlisle and Esme were the same.

His cheek rested against the side of her head as they danced slowly together. His fingers brushed over the skin on her exposed back. Every few minutes, he would kiss her forehead. Mavis never wanted to leave this moment. It was perfect. They could have stayed like that all night, but Mavis had never been a lucky person. Paul's body tensed, and he pulled away from her. "Paul," her words were gentle. "What is it?"

There was a frown on his face, "Jake. He's arguing with Bella."

Mavis wasn't sure what to make of his words. "What do you mean Jake?"

"Sam needs me," he reluctantly tore away from her.

"What? He's here?"

"Yeah," Paul started walking away from her. Mavis followed after him, "wait here. I'll be right back."

"I'm coming with you," she argued. If Jacob was back and arguing with Bella, she thought the girl might need some help. Paul didn't want to start an argument and agreed. The two moved away from the house and down the hill towards the escalating fight. He pulled away from her to help calm down Jacob.

Seth and Paul grabbed Jacob, who was angrily approaching Edward. Mavis joined the scene last. She had no idea what was happening. "Walk away, Jake," Seth held his arm. "Walk away." Paul tried to hold him back.

"What's going on," Mavis glanced at Bella and Edward. She was worried about them.

Jacob shoved Seth off of him, and out of the woods came Embry and Quil. The sight of them surprised Mavis. She hadn't been expecting them. "Enough, Jacob," Sam approached. Paul let go of Jacob and moved closer to Mavis. At this point, it was instinct.

"Stay out of this, Sam."

"I won't let you start something we have to finish," he snapped. Mavis still had no idea what had happened.

"She'll die."

"Bella isn't our concern anymore." There was a silence that followed, and Jacob glared at Edward. Mavis watched him closely, waiting to see if he would attack Edward. When he didn't, she was relieved. Jacob roughly slammed his shoulder into Sam's before vanishing into the trees. Bella turned away, walking back towards the party. Edward followed after her. "Paul, Seth. Let's go." They both hesitated, but Seth moved first. Paul remained in his spot, clearly conflicted. "Paul, now." Mavis stared at him. He wasn't leaving. She knew Sam wasn't going to be happy about that choice. "Paul!"

"Go," she whispered. "It's fine. Go."

Paul stared at her, "are you sure?"

"Yeah," it was a lie. "Hurry."

Paul reluctantly let go of her hand and followed his friends into the woods. He angrily moved past Sam, who didn't try to calm him down. Sam gave Mavis an apologetic look, but she simply turned away.

Mavis walked back to the party alone. Paul had left with his friends, which she asked him to do. She was grateful he made an effort to show up. It meant a lot to her. "Care for a dance," Carlisle put his hand out.

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