Chapter 59

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More and more vampires were joining them. Some even had gifts of their own. It was amazing but also terrifying. Most of them she trusted, but others not so much. Their thirst for human blood made every situation even more dangerous. One slip up and Mavis could become an accidental dinner.

However, the Cullens were keeping a close eye on her. Emmett and Rosalie more than most. Now that Paul was back in her life, they took on the protective older sibling role. It was slightly annoying, but there were bigger issues going on. Paul was dedicated to helping Jacob with the new recruits. When Jacob left Sam's pack and started his own, the two drifted apart. Now, they were talking again. Paul and Jacob had never been overly close and often got into physical fights, but with the Volturi approaching, they realized there were bigger issues than a difference of opinions. They had people they needed to protect if things went south, which was entirely possible.

Mavis stood by the stream with Tanya and Carmen. Being outside allowed her some fresh air and distance. It wasn't that Mavis had a problem with vampires, but she didn't trust most of them. They openly spoke about their struggles controlling themselves around human blood. It was easier for everyone if Mavis kept a safe distance.

They officially had everyone they needed. Mavis noticed that Carmen was walking towards a forming group a few feet away. Tanya held out her hand, a sign for Mavis to take it. She did. The two walked towards Senna and Zafrina, who were with Bella and Edward. "You have a powerful gift," Eleazar spoke to Bella.

Kate grabbed her hand, a spark from her electrical shock appearing. However, Bella had no reaction. "She's definitely a shield. That should have put her on her ass." Kate let go.

"Your voltage has been exaggerated," a new voice appeared. It belonged to Garrett.

Kate turned to him, an amused expression on her face. She held out her hand. "Maybe it only works on the weak." She wiggled her fingers, challenging him. 

Garrett smirked and raised his hand. "Garrett, I wouldn't," Carlisle tried to warn him.

He didn't listen and touched her hand. In an instant, he was on the ground, body shaking from the voltage of the shock. "You," he regained his composure, "are an amazing woman."

Mavis smirked at the interaction, finding it amusing now that Kate was at a loss for words. Unfortunately, the interaction didn't long. All at once, the vampires went on full alert. "Do you hear that?"

Mavis didn't hear anything. "Yes," Tanya confirmed. They all shared a look before running into the woods. The young blonde let out an annoyed sigh as she chased after them. Amazingly, they didn't use their super speed. There was no need. Whatever was happening wasn't deep in the woods. Mavis ran beside the Denali's, who kept a protective eye on her. They always did.

Soon they were forty feet into the woods and staring at four wolves who had chased something onto a ledge. Mavis instantly recognized her boyfriend amongst the others. "Vladimir, Stefan," Carlisle recognized them. "You're a long way from home."

"What are they doing here," Eleazar questioned.

Mavis had no idea who these two vampires were but realized that none of the others trusted nor wanted them there. "We heard the Volturi are moving against you," the white-haired one said. "But you would not stand alone."

"We didn't do what we are accused of," Carlisle informed them.

Vladimir shrugged, "we do not care what you did or didn't do."

"We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged," Stefan finished. Mavis glanced at her family, feeling slightly uneasy.

Carlisle continued to speak for the group, "we do not plan to fight them."

"Shame," was his response. "Aro's witnesses will be disappointed."

"They enjoy a good fight."

Eleazar stepped closer, "Aro's witnesses?" Mavis had a sinking feeling in her gut. There would only be one reason Aro was collecting witnesses of his own. He was planning to fight.

"Still thinking they'll listen?"


Eleazar spoke to the group. "When Aro wants someone from a coven, it is never long before evidence shows up proving that the coven committed a crime."

"So," Bella began, "he has done this before?" She sat beside Jacob on the couch. They both had fearful expressions.

"It happens rarely. I never realized there was a pattern."

"He always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant," Carlisle added.

"They always have an ability. They are always given a place with the guard."

Edward came to a sad realization. "This is about Alice. He has no one like her." At the mention of her mother, Mavis's body tensed. Paul, who was sitting beside her, noticed instantly. He was the other wolf in the room. He was new to the vampire world and was learning slowly.

"Which is why she left." Mavis was grateful now that her mother had left, but a new fear emerged. Was the reason Alice instructed her to answer an unknown number because her life was in danger as well? What did that mean for her? The Volturi wanted her desperately. All the Cullens knew that.

"Why does he need witnesses," Emmett questioned.

"To spread the word that they achieved justice," Alistair spoke up. He was the last wanted witness to arrive. A bit reclusive but overall very nice. "After he slaughters the entire coven." Carmen grabbed Tanya's hand in fear.

Amun pushed away from the wall. "Benjamin, Tia, we are leaving."

"Where will you go," Edward challenged. "What makes you think they will be satisfied with Alice?" Everyone stared at him. "What's stopping them from going after Benjamin next? Or Kate or Zafrina. Even Mavis. Anyone with an ability. Anyone they want." Paul glanced at the girl beside him. It never occurred to him that the Volturi would want Mavis in their coven. They wanted to turn her and use her abilities. "Their goal isn't punishment. It's power. Carlisle won't ask you to fight, but I will. Not only for the sake of my family but for yours. And for the way you want to live." Edward wanted them to fight for what was right.

There was a silence—everyone looking at each other, waiting for someone to step up. Jacob and Paul shared a look, both agreeing about something without speaking. Jacob stood up, "the packs will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires."

The Denali's stood up, "we will fight."

"This won't be the first time I've stood against a king's rule," Garrett spoke.

"We'll join you," Benjamin said.

"No," Amun argued.

Benjamin stared at him, "I will do the right thing. You can do what you must."

"We will stand with you."

"So will we." Everyone in the room agreed to stay and fight the Volturi.

"That didn't take much," Vladimir muttered.

Edward ignored them, "let's hope it doesn't come to that."

Alistair leaned closer to Carlisle, "we'll see." With that, he walked out of the room. Mavis felt the fear inside of her intensifying. Not only did she have to worry about her family, but now Paul, who was joining the fight. Whatever was coming wasn't going to be easy, and she feared who she might lose in the process.

The Banshee -Paul Lahote-Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora