Chapter 38

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Mavis walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab something to eat. Alice and Jasper sat on the couch. They were reading the same book, entangled in each other's arms. It was a beautiful sight to see. Two people so in love. Rosalie and Emmett were the same way around each other. As were Carlisle and Esme. Is that what love looked like? How did someone know if they were in love? Mavis had never been in love before. She had no idea what it felt like. Was it different than liking someone? Was it a feeling you had, or would you simply just know?

Mavis feared loving someone outside her family. They were leaving soon, and she hadn't told Paul. He would hate her. She was sure of it. He would hate that he imprinted on her. It was completely unfair to continue to hide that from him. He deserved to know.

Maybe what she felt was love. Maybe it wasn't. In time, Mavis would be able to figure it out. But she didn't have time. Therefore, there was a chance she would never figure out what she was feeling.

Jasper caught sight of his daughter and could feel her sadness from across the room. "Mavis, darling. Is everything all right?"

Alice turned her head as Mavis felt her lip start to quiver. The reality finally setting in that she was leaving the place she loved the most. The place that made her the happiest. In a flash, the dark-haired woman was by her side. "What happened?" The panic in her eyes was clear.

"I don't wanna leave," she cried. Alice wrapped her arms around her. Mavis buried her face in her shoulder. "I'm so happy here, and I don't want to leave. I love going to school. I love this house. I don't want to leave it. I don't want to leave Paul or my friends." It was hard to understand her. They could barely make out the muffled words.

However, Alice had figured out what was bothering her through the jumbled confession. "Shh," she cooed. Her fingers brush through Mavis's hair. "Take a deep breath, love." She did as told. "I'm sorry you can't have a normal life. I want you to be happy. The happiest version of yourself possible. I'm sure Paul understands why we have to go." It was for their safety.

Mavis pulled away from her, wiping the tears under her eyes. "I haven't told him." That seemed to surprise them. Mavis had known for a while they were leaving. "I know I should, but I can't. If I do, then it feels real."

"I'm sorry," Alice kept apologizing. She knew it wasn't a fair life for anyone. Part of her felt selfish for keeping Mavis after finding her. The girl was human and had a realistic chance at a normal life if they weren't involved. That had been ruined because of them. "But you need to tell him. You will never forgive yourself if you don't and just leave without a goodbye." He would never forgive her either.

"I know," Mavis nodded. "It's just so hard."

"I know," Alice placed a hand on her cheek. Words couldn't explain how she felt on the inside—watching her daughter carry the burden of their choices. It destroyed her.

Jasper looked between them. He knew what he had to do, "go, now."


"Go," he repeated. "Tell him while you think it's right. If you wait till tomorrow, you won't do it." Alice seemed to agree.

"Are you sure?" Neither was but knew it was the right thing to do. They needed to encourage Mavis to take measures on her own and to have the confidence to do it. Even if it was hard watching her grow up.


Mavis's hands were shaking as she sat outside Paul's house. It was raining heavily, and her entire body was drenched in rainwater. She knew this was not going to be an easy conversation. The longer she waited, the worse the feeling inside of her became. She was crying, having no idea when she started. For the last hour, she imagined her future—her future without Paul. There was no telling when their paths would cross again.

He would move on. Meet someone else and fall in love. Have a completely normal life without her. Mavis hated the idea. It made sick to think about Paul with someone besides her. But that's what would happen. He deserved someone who could be there for him. Someone who wasn't her.

It was one A.M. when someone broke through the treelines. Paul jogged towards his house, his body visibly exhausted. His movements were slower than normal, and his shoulder sagged. He was always tired after patrol.

Mavis pushed up from her spot, stepping back into the rain. Her heart was racing with fear, and she could feel the tears already starting. Paul looked up, his steps faltering at the sight of her, but he smiled anyway. The smile he had vanished when he saw the expression on her face. Worry laced his features, and he quickly ran across the yard, having newfound energy. "Mavis," he slid to a stop feet away from her. "Mave, what are you doing here? Did something happen?"

He reached out for her, but Mavis stepped back. A look of hurt flashed across his face. Her lip trembled, both from her emotions and the cold. "I'm sorry." It was all she could say.

"What?" Paul wasn't sure what was going on. "What are you sorry for?"

"I-" she struggled. "I haven't been able to tell you. I wanted to," he was staring at her intensely. "It's been so hard. I care about you so much and even thinking about le-"

"Hey," Paul cut her off. "Take a deep breath. It's just me." They were standing in the pouring rain, both completely drenched. "What's going on?"

"When Bella gets back," Mavis swallowed the lump in her throat. "Edward is turning her." Paul already knew this. "Everyone will have to think she is dead and to prevent anyone from seeing her. We have to leave."

Paul knew this day we could, but he didn't expect it to be now. "What?" His voice failed him. "Leave? What do you mean leave?"

Mavis closed her eyes at the tone of his voice. He was hurt, and it was all her fault. "I'm so sorry."

"No, no, no," Paul found himself laughing. The situation wasn't funny, but he was in a state of disbelief. "No, no. You're not leaving. No." But she was. "Where are you going?"

"I don't know." That was the truth. "Probably Alaska for a while. Then I'm sure Alice and Jasper will make me leave the country." To create distance from him. "At least for a little while." Paul looked away from her. "Then somewhere for a few years before we move again."

"So, that's it? Will I see you again?" Mavis remained silent. Attempting long distances wouldn't end well. They both knew that. "No, Mavis-"

"I'm really sorry," Mavis felt an immense amount of guilt and sadness. "I don't have a choice."

"Don't go," he begged. "Please, don't leave me."

Tears clouded her vision, "I have to. It's too dangerous for my family if we stay."

Paul blinked a few times, feeling his emotions get the better of him. "Then I'll come with you."


"I don't care where," he shook his head. "I'll go."


"I want to be wherever you are, Mavis. That's all I want."

She smiled sadly at him, "your place is here. The pack needs you."

"I don't care what the pack needs. What I need is you." Paul needed Mavis in his life. She grounded him to the earth. Made him able to control his temper. He couldn't do any of that without her. "Please-"

Mavis placed a gentle hand on his cheek. "Your place is here." They needed him here. "And my place is with my family. I'll have to leave with them when the time comes." Paul nodded and rested his forehead against hers. He was shaking, feeling cold again for the first time in a long time. Mavis closed her eyes, her body leaning into his as they stood together. Both coming to terms that this wouldn't last forever.

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