Chapter 35

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When Mavis first met Paul, she thought he was handsome but also vaguely rude. But once she started spending time with him, that all changed. She was constantly warned about his temper, but he never got angry with her. Always cowering whenever he couldn't figure out her emotions. He got angry with others, of course, but he had learned to control it.

He was different around her, the person he always wanted to be. Mavis thought he was sweet, the sweetest person she had ever met. He bent over backward for her, which she asked him not to. That didn't matter to him. He would do anything for her, even attend weddings full of vampires.

He was always around her, touching her in some way. Whether it was casual or not didn't matter.

Mavis had never been in a relationship before. It never occurred to her that dating was an option. They moved all the time, and the Cullens had never been overly fond of outsides. Bella was a prime example of that. But Paul easily weaseled his way into her life, and she put up no objections.

There were a lot of new discoveries being made. She realized how much she had been missing out on in life. It frightened her how dependant she was becoming on Paul. She counted on him for almost everything now. Leaving was going to be difficult, and she still hadn't told him. How could she when she knew how hard it would be on him? There was still time, but days were passing, and weeks were going by.

Taking things slow was Mavis's idea. This was her first relationship after all. She wanted to do everything with him, but there wasn't time for that. They were running out of time. Was it selfish to want to stay? Alice understood the most, but staying wasn't going to be an option much longer. Bella would be one of them, and they would leave Forks for good.

Everything else was perfect. Everyone was safe. Everyone was happy, except Mavis, who was living on borrowed time. Her worries were affecting her day-to-day life now. Bella and Edward had only been gone two days, but the others noticed a shift in her personality.

Mavis broke away from her thoughts at the sound of Carlisle's voice. She glanced at the man as he spoke to another doctor. He sent her an apologetic look, a sign they would be here a little longer. The girl didn't mind waiting for him. There wasn't much else for her to do today. Paul was busy patrolling, and Emily was visiting her family for the weekend.

Someone sat down beside her. "I think we're in for a storm," an older gentleman spoke. Mavis glanced at the man beside her, "my joints are aching."

She stared at him. The man was much older and wearing a pink-colored shirt. "My parents always told me that's the most reliable way to predict a storm."

The man grinned, "you must have wise parents." Mavis glanced at Carlisle. "You seem very young to be in a hospital waiting room alone."

"I'm waiting for my father," she pointed at Carlisle. He seemed to sense her stare and offered her a kind smile. The rest of the world believed that Mavis Hale, or to them Mavis Cullen, was the daughter of Carlisle and Esme.

"Ah," he nodded. "A doctor. I was right. You do have wise parents."

Mavis grinned at him, "I'm Mavis."

"Mavis," he repeated the name. "What a beautiful name. I'm Noah."

"It's nice to meet you, Noah," she greeted him by his name. "What brings you here?"

"I am very old," Noah chuckled. "When you live to be my age, dear. Everything begins failing. I do believe this time it's my heart that gave out on me." She placed a hand on his shoulder. Noah smiled at the action, patting her hand. His touch was freezing, colder than her family's.

"I'm very sorry to hear that, but the doctors here are amazing."

Noah stood up, "I need to check on my wait time."

The Banshee -Paul Lahote-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum