Chapter 55: Anxious

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Mrs. Davis POV

Anxiously I strode back and forth in the hallway of the hospital, stressed, and agitated about what was taking place inside the room that Alyssa was brought into seven minutes ago, and my anxiety level grew at the very top.

I knew she could pull through this, but I couldn't but be overwrought. The doctor forewarned us about the surgery and its risk, and there might be a chance....a-a chance... I might lose her...

My daughter! I wished I could've done more to save her from all this.

I really wished.

She didn't deserve to go through all this. None!

I wished I could take her sickness away.

Her pain away.

If anything was to happen, I didn't know how I'd live.

My life would be over losing another child when I lost my husband too. Amber couldn't go through another death....she couldn't go through losing her sister, whom she loved so much.

She was her best friend.

"Mom?" I turned to look at Amber looking at me worriedly. I took her into my arms, sighing, embracing her.

I couldn't imagine how worried and scared she was for her sister, and so was everyone here.

"Sweetie, she's going to be fine, baby," I reassured her, rubbing down her hair, my eyes piercing at the door where my baby girl was.

Someone's phone rang, and I turned to see whose.

"Tristan?"  Chole asked.

I hurriedly walked up to Chole as she held Alyssa's phone at her ear. Quickly, I took hold of the phone from her hand and placed it at my ear. "Tristan, where are you? She-" I rapidly asked when he cut me off.

"Where is Alyssa? I just got her message, and I am on my way back. Is-is she alright? I-I don't think I will make it back in time because I am already in Virginia. Is-is she okay!" He quickly spoke through the phone in panic with apprehension.

"I-I don't know. I haven't heard anything from the doctors. I-I am sorry you didn't get to see her before she got inside," I said, trying to sound strong so that I wouldn't agonize him or anyone else.

I knew how much he cared about her even though he did something horrible. People made mistakes, and he was a kid, and I understood. He deserved to know and be here with her.

"I am coming there, I-I...please call me back if anything happens. Please! Okay? If anything happens, call me. I-I need to know she's safe and alright," he worriedly stuttered through the phone, and I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"I-I will," I said, hanging up the phone with my hands shaking.

"What did he say?" Ashely asked me with her arms crossed over her chest nervously and impatiently.

We were all impatient, but we had to wait for good news.

"He's on his way here," I said, looking around at everyone at how nervous they were. This type of energy was only making us stressed more. "Please, everyone, she's going to be okay, doesn't worry." I rubbed my forehead. I was developing a headache from being so stressed.

"Mrs. Davis," I looked up at Jax, and he handed me a foam cup of cool water. I gave him a small smile and took the water. "Have a seat," he guided me to one of the lined-out chairs, and I sat, my stomach clenching with uneasiness.

He was so sweet. "Thank you," I thanked him, taking a sip of my water to try calming myself.

God, please let everything be alright with my baby.

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