Chapter 6: Chickens

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"Never go into business purely to make money. If that's the motive, you're better off doing nothing, Richard Brandson," My professor emphasized as the projector dimmed. "Tomorrow, our real work begins," he added, marking the end of our business class, the last class.

I packed my books into my bag and rose from my seat. As I descended the steps, I inadvertently collided with someone, sending my bag tumbling to the ground.


"It's okay," I muttered, not bothering to look at the person as I bent down to retrieve my bag.

"Alyssa?!" A familiar voice exclaimed, sounding a bit too thrilled, destroying my hopes for a peaceful day. Please don't be him. Please don't be him. "Oh, my God, it's really you!" Oh crap, it was him.

My face drained of color.

Having no choice, I rose from the floor, meeting the gaze of someone I never wanted to see again.

Have a good day, huh? Psst.

"Richard!" I forced enthusiasm into my voice, though it was transparent.

Ex-boyfriend alert!

"We've crossed paths again," he said with a grin. I discreetly rolled my eyes, hoping he didn't notice.

"Yeah..." I replied uninterestingly, shifting uncontrollably on my feet.

"How have you been? You've changed a lot since I last saw you. Speaking of last time I saw you, you were much less this hot, and speaking of hot, short hair really suits you," he commented, and I wished I could say the same about him.

Still arrogant and self-centered, but with muscles and those piercing blue eyes.

"Thanks," I muttered, scanning the emptying classroom. I should be leaving with the others, not stuck here with him.

"How's your mom? Last time I saw her, she was cleaning my house. Is she still doing that?" He inquired, and I couldn't tolerate him talking about my mother.

"She has a better job now asshole!" I snapped at him.

The audacity!

He chuckled and continued, "So, was it the job that brought you here, or did you get a scholarship? We all know you couldn't afford this place..."

God, he's such a cunt.

"Are you here just to belittle me?" I snapped. This was precisely why I broke up with him: his arrogance, pomposity, judgment, and narcissism. "It's been a while, but you haven't changed a bit. Just concerned about my presence, huh? I'm pursuing my goals. Goodbye, Richard," I said, brushing past him. "You never stop being a dick!"

We dated two years ago at my high school, and the only reason I did, was that I found him hot, and he was the captain of the football team.

Who wouldn't want to date the captain of the football team?

My best friends and I may not have been the popular 'queen bees,' but we had a solid reputation at our high school, thanks to our involvement in sports.

Chloe excelled on the girls' soccer and swim team, earning the title of the best player.

Ashley dominated on the girls' basketball court, and I held the same status in volleyball. Year after year, we secured victories, and we did just for the enjoyment.

Our school boasted some of the state's finest teams, and this earned us genuine respect.

As I pushed the door ajar and ventured outside, I accidentally collided with someone, my face meeting a solid chest.

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