Chapter 32: No school?

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"Uh, how long have you been standing there?'' I asked hoping he didn't see much, but even if he didn't he'd still want to know why I was on medicines.

Hurriedly I placed them inside my drawer then closed if shut, walking towards him while he stood at the door looking at me for an answer. I sighed, stopping before him. "It's nothing. Why are you here?" I peeked behind him, crossing my arms. "Are you the only one awake?"

He walked inside, looked around, then turned to look at me. "Why are you being evasive about my question?"

I scoffed. "I am being evasive? I don't know what you're talking about because I asked you a question..." I was definitely being evasive. I didn't want him to know about me being sick and that I might die. I haven't even told the girls that it has gotten worse.

He sat on my bed...the audacity... "And now you're contradicting the question. What is so secretively important about them that you can't tell. I promise I won't divulge,'' he smirked. "A secret between us girls?"

I sighed, walking over to him. "It's for my grandma Linda, and she asked me to get them for her..." My dead in heaven.

"So why was it so hard to answer? Wait, why would you come this far for medicines?" He plopped his hands behind his head, getting cozy on my bed.

"She lives here, can't drive, and lives alone, so I had to be the perfect granddaughter I am to get them for her. Why are you in my room exactly?" I asked, then went to sit next to him.

"Because you're the only one here besides I never seen your room before, so I took the chance to..."

"Hmm," I hummed, looking at him staring at my ceiling.

My memories went back to today when we were talking. I became curiously recalling he had two other siblings.

Where were they when he was going through it with his dad? I never heard him mention anything about them.

I wanted to ask, but I didn't want to intrude on his family life about them. Maybe they weren't speaking?

Well if I ask, it'd only be a yes or no answer. He wouldn't bite me.

"Hey, uh Tristan?" He turned his head to look at me. "Do you have any siblings?"

I knew he did, but why would I say he had when he never mentioned any of them when we were talking when I only knew because I snuck inside his bedroom.

"Yeah, I got two older brothers. One's a pilot, and the other is a senior at medical school, I think, I don't know. Haven't heard much about them after mom died..." There wasn't a slight bit of emotion in his voice while he spoke, and I was glad he wasn't sad talking about this, but I couldn't be too sure if he wasn't or was. He could be hiding it only to keep the mood light, or he wasn't at all. I couldn't tell.

"Um, that night were they there...or any other night after that?" I whispered. He sat up next to me.

He got so close to me that my breathing hitched.

"Uhhh, no. My eldest bro was at college at the time and my other brother was in California with grandma doing school. He can't hear, so he had to go to a special school. We texted at times, but it's been a while since we did. I hope to see him there for Thanksgiving, though..."

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Where families all over get together and have dinner as one big happy family.

It was a shame my dad and sister weren't here, and both sides of my grandparents were dead. Thanksgiving won't be Thanksgiving for us.

My mom, sister, and I will have some fun, though. She'd always buy lots of gifts and let us open them earlier.

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