Chapter 47: My mistake

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Tristan POV

Next morning

I parked Jax's car at the front of our house and hurriedly made my way towards the front door before trying the knob, but it was locked, and I forgot my key.


I started pounding on the door with my fists while my eyes wandered to Alyssa's house.

I fucked up! Really fucked up. She was going to hate me for what I did.

The door pulled open, and Jax came into sight, looking at me with rage. "Where the hell were you?"

I pushed passed him inside, seeing Brendan walking down the stairs and walking over to me, not looking pleased.

"We've been calling your phone like crazy, dude. Where the hell were you?"

I heard the door slam shut, and I turned to look at Jax with his arms crossedover his bare chest, glaring at me.

"Did you do something stupid, Tristan?" He asked sternly, grabbing his car keys from my hands. "Please tell me you didn't do anything stupid and don't fucking lie to me?"

I walked over to the couch and slumped down on it.

"You're sunk of alcohol!" Brendan said, walking towards me, scrunching his nose.

If only they knew how much I messed everything up. One, I fucking snapped at Alyssa for no fucking reason. Two, got drunk, and cheated on her.

I was so stupid! Selfish!

I sighed, leaning my head back on the couch. "Oh, shit. What did you do?'' Brendan sat next to me, waiting for answers, hoping I didn't say anything bad.

They were my best friends I had to tell them what I did and hoped they wouldn't hate me.

Even though what I did was fucked up and impulsive of me, they had the right to know. "I got drunk last night..."

Jax sighed. "We talked about this dude!" Jax said, firmly with his arms still crossed.

I sighed. "I know, but I had to after what I pulled earlier and what I learned-"

"I hope you feel like shit," Brendan said bitterly, glaring at me coldly.

I scratched the back of my head. "Yeah, I do, and I feel even worst after what I did after..."

"What did you do?" Jax asked, giving me a look that showed that he was sensing something bad.

"I fucked up, man-"

"I asked what'd you do, Tristan!" He shouted at me with anger.

"It was a mistake, I swear!" I threw up my hands in frustration.

Jax's eyes widened, looking at me. "Fucking tell me you didn't fuck someone that wasn't Alyssa!" He bent closer to my face to read my expression, and I bet he got his answer. "You fucking coward!" He yelled at me, yanking me by the shirt and pulling me up so I was facing him. "I hope she dumps you and find someone better than you!" He pushed me by the chest. "How could you after everything?" He asked in disbelieve, running his hand over his head.

I swore I felt bad. "I am sorry!" I said, shaking my head with regret. "I fucked up, okay?'' Sweat was dripping from my skin in regret, anger, and nervousness.

He shook his head, looking at me with disgust. "I am not the one you should be apologizing to. You better tell her what you did. YOU BETTER GO AND TELL YOUR DYING GIRLFRIEND WHAT YOU DID! I love you man, but this wasn't it!" He pushed me, and I fell back on the couch in tears. "What you did is fucked up."

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