Bonus: Hawkings Ever After (3)

Start from the beginning

They were amazing fathers.

"Um... Eli..." one his friends interrupted their thoughts.

Eli turned to them and saw the confusion on their faces. "Oh! This is my boyfriend, Travis."

Travis smiled and waved, but both of them immediately turned back to the TV. The fight was starting.

Those sitting at the table sharing shocked expressions and whispering about finally meeting the boyfriend that Eli would always talk about. But instead of running off together, they were wrapped up in the fight... and the way they talked seemed far too familiar with the people on the screen.

The announcer called out their names and when he called out "The Wolf", the bar cheered loudly, including Eli and Travis.

Travis was grinning. "Oh my god! Look at his fanbase!"

"That's why I love this bar." Eli said.

"Do they know about you and Jo?" Travis asked.

Eli laughed. "No. Because Jo is based out of New York, his fanbase is pretty strong in New England. Last time I let our connection slip, and I was stalked for a month from people trying to get his autograph. I finally found this bar and I'm just letting everyone think I'm a normal fan. Lesson learned."

Travis giggled a little and leaned more into Eli's arms. Their eyes never left the TV.

Jonas went to touch gloves but his opponent said something that made Jonas freeze. His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed. He pulled his hands back before they could touch gloves and walked back to his corner. His muscles were taut and ready to attack.

"Shit. I haven't seen him that mad in a while." Travis whispered.

"Well, we know he's not going to submit him. This is definitely going to be a knockout." Eli said with a small laugh.

Jonas rushed out to meet his opponent and started to pummel him with hooks and jabs. His opponent didn't expect this ferocity. He was hit with a sharp cross and staggered. Jonas twisted and kicked upwards, connecting with his head. He was going to follow up with another punch when his opponent fell to the ground, and the ref rushed in between them. He indicated that his opponent was out and the fight was over.

KO by a spinning wheel kick 53 seconds in the first round.

Eli laughed and pounded the table. "Fuck yeah Jo!"

There was an unspoken rule amongst fighters and that was "don't piss off the Wolf". The results were always the same; brutality. As testament to that, his opponent was just barely waking up and getting helped out of the octagon.

Jonas was standing in the center with Hugh and Brett and his interview was taking place.

"You have been knocking opponents down left and right. Who's next Jonas?"

Jonas grinned. "I'll fight anyone who steps up, but I want that title fight. I'm ready to take the belt."

Travis grinned. "Holy shit he's going for it."

"It's about time. He has been talking about it with Chuck for the last six months. He's definitely ready." Eli said and chin his head on Travis' shoulder.

They both typed in their congratulations into the group chat and Eli gave him a quick kiss. "Now that is over, it's time I take you home." He whispered in his ear, making Travis flush.

They said a quick goodbye to the group and took off.

The following Wednesday, Eli breezed through his test and turned in his papers. He rushed to the campus' coffee shop and found Travis sipping a cup of coffee and looking positively annoyed. Eli could tell why. He saw some girls trying to flirt with him.

He walked in and heard Travis roughly put his cup down. "Listen, I don't want to go with you. I am very much gay and I'm waiting on my boyfriend."

The giggled. "You don't have to make excuses. We'll show you a good time."

Eli frowned. He knew these girls, and they were persistent. He had to deal with them before. He quickly walked over and they smiled brightly when they saw him.

"Eli!" They called out.

He ignored them and placed his hand on the table to box Travis in his chair. "Did you wait long?"

Travis smiled and shook his head. "I didn't expect you to be done so soon. You didn't fuck up your final by rushing it, did you?"

Eli laughed and leaned in to kiss him. "You're worth a failing grade."


He silenced him with another kiss. "But I didn't fail it. It was an easy test."

Travis pouted. "Promise?"

Eli laughed and pulled him out of his chair, wrapping his arm around his waist. "Could I ever lie to you?"

He kissed him again, this time giving the group of girls a warning look as he did. They blushed and quickly mumbled their apologies and took off.

Eli pulled back and grinned. "Come on. After keeping you in my bed the last couple of days, I think I promised you a date today."

He pulled him out of the coffee shop, and through the campus. Travis couldn't help but to notice the eyes following Eli. They all seemed surprised to see Eli grinning and pulling along Travis.

"Are you well known here?" Travis asked.

"It's a large university. I wouldn't say I'm well known." He said with a shrug. "I think only those in my classes know who I am. Even then, I keep to myself."

Travis kept looking at the people watching them. "Completely oblivious." He murmured.

Eli didn't hear him and helped him into his car. He seemed to be excited to have the rest of the day with Travis. He was grinning as he drove through the city until he reached Charles River and parked. He took Travis' hand and led him to the docks.

"I have been wanting to take you here since I first saw it." Eli explained. "It's gorgeous here and thought you would like it."

Travis bit his lip to try and stop from smiling too much. He was happy that Eli would see certain places in the city and think of him.

While holding on tightly to his hand, Eli helped Travis into a riverboat and led him to a seat so he was looking out onto the river. The boat took off with just the two of them on board, Travis was thrilled. "It's amazing. I can't believe you get to see this everyday."

Eli laughed and played with Travis' curls. "It's just a river. It's not what I really want to see everyday."

Travis blushed and turned back to Eli. "Is that an invitation to have me move up here with you?"

"Well, eventually we'll move to New York because that's where Alex is relocating his office to. He has offered me a job once I graduate." Eli said quietly.

Travis beamed. "That's amazing! Wait.. seriously? You want me to move in with you?"

"I want to be with you all the time, but I know it may be hard for you to move your practice." Eli said with a small blush tinting his face.

"I stayed back home for school, but my practice can move with me. Say the word, and I'll move." Travis leaned in and kissed him lightly.

Eli shuffled a little and pulled a white gold ring with a thin vertical row of sapphires from his pocket. "And what if I ask you to mar-"

"Yes!" Travis shouted before he could finish. He quickly covered his mouth with both hands. "Sorry... continue." He murmured behind his palms.

Eli laughed and kissed his head. "Marry me, Travis."

Travis nodded, his hands still covering his mouth. Eil gently moved his hands away from his mouth and slid the ring on his finger. He kissed his lips, savoring his fiance.

The wedding came quickly, Travis already had most of it planned so they didn't need a long engagement. Everyone thought he would have a large wedding, but he kept it extremely small. The venue was on the riverboat where Eli proposed.

He wanted it intimate with the man he loved and his dearest friends. They exchanged vows under fairy lights on the river, and there was never a more perfect moment.

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