Chapter 41

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When they got out of the car, the door to the Jaguar opened. A beautiful girl with curly black hair cascading down her back stepped out with a long red dress and stilettos. Jonas didn't notice her, and was only looked darkly at the house in front of him.

Sam flushed when he saw her and stammered a little. "Um... you are?"

Hugh patted Sam on the shoulder. "This is Emilia." He quickly introduced them and laced his finger's through Jonas'. "I can break a window if we need a way in."

Jonas shook his head and walked up to the door, each step was heavier than the last. He knew where Eli was, but he prayed that he was wrong. He never wanted Eli to know that place. He got up the keypad and pressed the familiar code. His father never thought he would use it so didn't bother changing it.

The house had a few lights on, creating a light glow, but it was deathly quiet. Clark Spencer would only have cleaners when needed, and a cook for breakfast and dinner. But he did not have anyone in the house if it was not necessary.

Jonas looked at the familiar place. Marble floors and a dark hardwood stair case glimmered under the light. Large paintings and vases decorated the walls. His father would always brag about every item in this entryway, thinking each piece was more impressive than the last. The marble floors from Italy, the wood from Brazil, the vases from China, and the paintings from around the world and difficult to collect.

Jonas hated all of it.

He passed the stairway, and turned down a hallway that opened up to a large living room with a large window overseeing the lake past the expansive garden. He didn't stop, nor looked at the familiar sites. Another hall and another turn, he found himself in front of a door and stopped.

Hugh was next to him the whole time, while the others closely followed. They were curious about the door that Jonas stopped in front of. Hugh gripped his hand tighter as he felt the strong trembling and Jonas' breath becoming uneven.

"Jo, what is this place?" Hugh asked, quietly. But he already knew the answer. It was the place that Jonas never brought up. That place he always begged to be let out of in his nightmares. It was the reason for his fear of the dark.

Jonas didn't answer but his anger became more tangible. He let out a roar and punched the door, but it didn't budge. Ignoring his now bleeding hand, he started to kick it over and over until the wood split and the door slammed against inner wall and they were met with darkness.

A small whimper echoed from inside and Jonas stumbled, catching himself on the door from. "No." It came out as a whisper and a stream of tears rolled down his cheeks.

Hugh heard the irregularities in his breathing and knew that this normally led to a panic attack. He quickly pulled him into a hug. "I'm here, Jo. I'm not leaving your side. We go down together, we pick up Eli together, and we leave together."

"I... What if... I can't get out again." He choked out the deep seeded fear while his head was in the nook of Hugh's neck.

"Sweetheart, you don't have to go down. I can go and bring him up. You never have to go down there again." Hugh said quietly.

Jonas shook his head. "He needs me." 

Jonas knew how disorienting and terrifying the pitch back was. He knew that Eli was probably in horrible pain from a beating. He was scared and alone and needed someone familiar to bring him out. If a stranger did, it could cause him to panic.

Hugh sighed with understanding.  A part of him hoped that Jonas would let him go down by himself. He didn't want to bring him down there.  But he also knew that both Eli and Jonas needed this. "Jo, the guys are here to make sure we come back out. They have our back. Just keep thinking about Eli."

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