Bonus: Lukas

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**** Author's Note ****

I wanted to say thank you (again) for your support, views, comments, and votes.  I went into the novel not expecting many reads, and sitting over 200K is mindblowing.  I am so excited seeing you put all the pieces together,  guess what's going to happen next, or how certain events are related.   And what truly makes my heart happy are the emotions I see in your comments - especially when you comment on some of my favorite parts.

But you also stuck with me through the cringe-tastic parts, as well as the errors that I made (which elicited some hilarious comments).  I love knowing that The Kings and co. are part of your lives now and that you are cheering them on.  I had too much fun writing this book and I am happy that I have been able to share it with so many people.  I can write "thank you" until my fingers fall off, but it will never be enough.  

But now, back to business.  I wrote some bonus chapters!  Some of you have asked, and I honestly, I wanted it too.  Though it may not be a full book with Travis and Eli, I hope it suffices.  I do have another book that I am drafting now that is a standalone spin off about Jaiden's life after Hawkings.  It's a bit dark - but I have been noticing that I tend to get a little dark with my writing.  

Speaking of dark, the first bonus chapter is with Lukas.


If you are uncomfortable with unhealthy possessive behaviors, then you may want to skip.

Lukas was 11 years old when he first saw the dark haired boy at school. His grey eyes and bright smile was captivating and the first thing he thought was "He's magnetic".  Lukas immediately wanted to draw his attention and hoped that this boy would look at him. 

His father leaned over a little. "That is Jonas Spencer. His father's business is starting to do well."

Lukas nodded, excited that his father was pushing this. "Understood, father."

He let go of his father's hand and walked up to Jonas and held out his hand. "Hello, I'm Lukas."

Jonas flashed him a smile and shook his hand. "Hi Lukas. You can call me Joey."

'Joey' fit him because it seemed as lighthearted as he was.  Everything about him was extraordinary. He encouraged others and showed an unnatural kindness, seemingly able to lead people almost naturally. He acted older than 11 years old, more mature and aware of how the world worked, which fit Lukas' personality perfectly.

Lukas started to associated with him more, often inviting him over to his house. Jonas started to reveal small things about himself, things that no one else was able to see, like when his smile faltered or when he got angry.  Lukas felt special that he was part of these moments, like it was a secret only they shared.  At the same time, Lukas felt like he could step away from the strict mold his father forced him in when he was with Jonas.  He had small pockets of time when he could relax and just be a kid.  

However, those moments were quickly becoming seldom and he found that Jonas was pulling away emotionally, especially in middle school.  People noticed Jonas more, and wanted to be around him.  Jonas seemed to want to step into the role of being everyone's friend and started to hang out with more people. For the first time, Lukas was upset with Jonas.  He couldn't understand why he would waste his precious time on these leeches.  They were all thieves, stealing away the minutes that he could have with Jonas.

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