Chapter 15

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Hugh woke up a little early because his phone started to ring. He picked it up quickly and glanced at Jonas to make sure it didn't wake him.

"Hey mom." He said quietly, stifling a yawn.

"Hi dear. You feeling ok? You're awfully quiet."

"Jonas is still sleeping." He said while checking on him one more time.

"Sorry if I woke you. I just wanted to let you know that Lucy will be here today as well."

Hugh could hear the happiness in her voice. Lucy was his little sister, but she was uncomfortable with men. "Oh! I was going to bring Jonas tonight, but we can wait for another time."

"You were going to bring a friend? To meet us?" Her voice trembled with excitement.

"Yeah, you guys will really like him. But I can explain the situation and I know he'll understand."

There was a moment of silence, and then Hugh heard his mom talking to someone. She was muffling the phone so he didn't hear the conversation. But soon there was rustling.

"Hughie!" A young bright voice blasted through the phone.

"Lucy, that is way too much energy in the morning." Hugh sounded like he was complaining, but his face held a wide grin.

"Are you really bringing a friend over?"

"Is it that surprising?" He said rubbing his neck.

She snorted. "Yes. You have never brought anyone over before. This is a big deal! Who is it? Oh my god, please let it be Mr. Abracadabra."

Hugh groaned. "You watched the video too?"

"Everyone has watched that video and are talking about you two! Is he really the new King? Who is he?" She sounded really excited.

"Oh? No one knows who he is?" He turned back to see Jonas was waking up and stretching.

"Nope! No one was able to see his face. He's so mysterious." She said with a giggle.

Hugh sighed. "Lucy, I would like you to meet him, but you have to be honest with me. Are you comfortable with it?"

"Hughie." She sounded like she was pouting.

"Really, Lucy. I will not push you, and Jonas will understand. Really." He felt the bed dip next to him and saw that Jonas was sitting next to him. Jonas ruffled Hugh's hair and gave him a smile.

"No, Hugh. Bring him. If he is someone you want to bring home, then I want to meet him."

"Ok. But the moment you feel even the smallest bit of discomfort, you let us know and we will leave." Jonas patted his shoulder and gave him an encouraging nod, letting him know that he will be fine with that plan even if he didn't know the situation. He got up and started to walk towards the bathroom as Hugh kept his eyes on his sculpted and scarred back.

"I will. Thank you Hugh. I'm really happy for you. He must mean a lot to you." Lucy said affectionately.

With one more look as Jonas closed the door he smiled. "Yeah, he does." In that moment he knew how hard he fallen for his best friend.

Love and trust was something that didn't come easily for Hugh. Hugh's biological parents dumped him at the orphanage when he was two years old. His young mind didn't  understand why he didn't have his parents anymore and had to live with foster parents. Because he didn't understand, he became angry and lashed out.

The foster system was shit too, so no one was willing to be patient with him.

When he was 5, he got into a fight with some older children at a park and got beaten up pretty bad. He was crying alone on a bench when a small toddler came running up to him with bright red hair and a smile.

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