Chapter 39

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Some steamy scenes are coming up! I have marked the start of them with ****
You will be able to skip ahead without losing any plot detail is you're uncomfortable



Jonas still insisted on driving and took Hugh to the outskirts and up an elevated path that Hugh had never explored.  Jonas pulled over to a resting area on the top of the hill that overlooked the city.

They both leaned on the railing and stared out over the city.  "Holy shit, what a view."

Jonas nodded, holding on to Hugh's hand and rubbing small circles on his knuckles.  "This was my spot to just make it all... stop."

Hugh leaned against Jonas.  "You may have not have a good school year, but you had a lot of good people surrounding you. Chuck, Everett, Norm."

Jonas nodded and ran his hands through his hair. "These guys all dealt with me at my worst, when I was nothing but angry and broken. They all took in a part to raise me, showing me how to fight and how to be responsible. Fight with a clear head, work with dedication. To drill this in me, Norm let me work at the pub for a while too."

"I though the gym was your job."

Jonas shrugged. "It is. I worked the gym and the pub for a couple of years. A few odd jobs came up here and there to help the guys at the gym. Martha insisted on paying me too when I helped last summer. But they all pushed me to focus on my studies and the gym for my senior year."

"Why work that hard?"

"I wanted to buy a place to live when I turn 18. Chuck has a place lined up for me and will give me a good deal." Jonas explained.

"Shit! Are you almost there?"

Jonas nodded. "I actually have the money for it, but it's all in a savings until I turn 18. I keep what I need for necessities, but everything else goes towards the house or is in a savings account for Eli's college fund."

"What about your college fund?"

"I'm banking on scholarships. But fighting may be a more feasible option. It's not like I can't go back to college after getting my face smashed in the UCF."

Hugh sighed but still was smiling. "Try avoiding the whole face smashing bit, but do whatever will make you happy, I'll support you."

Jonas grabbed Hugh's hand and pulled it to his lips. "And what about you, babe?"

"Music production." He said a little quietly. "But I should follow my father's footsteps and go to law school."

Jonas snorted. "No. Do music production. You will be amazing."

"It's an unstable career."

"And you think the UFC is? I may not get a contract. Or I could get cut if I dont make weight, if i am not exciting enough, or I get injured. God knows how many people had to retire early. But I want to do it because I love it." It was a risky choice for him, especially with some of the best fighters in the industry were making noise now. However, he didn't want to give up.

He kissed Hugh's hand. "And I know how much you love music, so don't let the 'what ifs' or the 'my father' excuses stop you. And if anything, you'll have a place to stay."

"A place?"

Jonas flushed a little. "I mean, if you want... the place I'm getting is big enough both of us, and Eli."

Hugh lifted his hand and brushed his fingers on Jonas' lips. "Are you asking me to move in with you?"

Jonas was even more embarrassed than before. "Is it too sudden?"

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