Chapter 34

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Jonas and Hugh dragged themselves to the bed and curled up against each other, careful to avoid their bruises. Sleep took them but abruptly woke up when they heard a strange noise like something was whirring down. Suddenly, the lamp shut off and the room was encased with darkness.

Hugh heard the sharp intake of breath from the person next to him.

"Fuck! Jo I'm here.  I'm getting a light now. Deep breaths, Jo. Deep breaths." He stumbled off the bed and found his phone on the desk and switched on his flashlight.

He climbed in bed where he saw Jonas sitting with his back against the wall. His eyes were closed and he was taking deep breaths.

"Jo, I'm right here."  He straddled Jonas legs and sat on top of him. His brushed his fingers through Jonas' hair and kept reassuring him until his breathing stabilized. Jonas placed his hands on Hugh's hips, breathing in and out.

"You're doing great, Jo." He whispered and planted a light kiss in his forehead.

Jonas smiled when he felt Hugh's lips.  His eyes opened and he peered into the dark green eyes in front of him. He leaned forward and brushed his lips against Hugh's before giving them a small nip.

Lately, they had only enough energy to hold each other or steal a couple of kisses, but they were hungry for each other. Their pent up lust reflected in each other. Hugh let out a satisfied hum and press his lips forward, capturing Jonas. He moved his tongue to opened Jonas' mouth and plunged in.

He could feel Jonas harden between his legs, and his body was responding in kind. Hugh rubbed his hips forward, creating friction and the both groaned at the sensation.

Jonas strengthened his hold on Hugh, and twisted his body, forcing Hugh on to his back. He opened Hugh's thighs with his knees and crawled between his legs until he hovered over Hugh.

Jonas started to take his lips again and their hips rocked with each other, rubbing their cocks through the fabric. Jonas left his lips and started to kiss his jaw line, adding a gentle bite from time to time, making Hugh shudder and moaned.

"Those noises you make gets me so hard." Jonas whispered.

To prove his point, he took Hugh's hand and pressed it against his cock.

"Shit." Hugh whispered and grabbed on to his length and rubbed it.

Jonas also placed a hand in Hugh's and started to stroke together with him. He felt the Hugh pulsing in his hand which made him growl with lust. Hugh moved his hips and panted while Jonas continued suck on his neck.

Hugh let out a breathy "Jo" which made Jonas groan in the nape of his neck.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Hugh glared at the door. "Motherfuckers." Then yelled, "Busy!"

But the knock came again. "Um... guys..." it was Travis and he seemed extremely embarrassed for interrupting them.

Normally Jonas would be patient with Travis, but he really wanted Hugh right now. "Busy!" He growled at the door, making Travis yelp.

"Guys, we really do not want to interrupt you. But the powers out."  Sam said through the door.

"No shit Sherlock." Hugh said.

"We're the only building with power out. Which means someone did this deliberately."  Sam tried to explain.

Jonas sighed and rested his head on Hugh's shoulder. "I'm going to kill that fucking school."

Hugh let out an angry laugh.  "I think we need to hunt those assholes down."

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