Chapter 6

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Before Jonas knew what was happening, he was pulled into the common room by Travis.

"Take off your shirt." Travis ordered.

Jonas raised an eyebrow trying to see if there was an alternative reason for Travis's request. Honestly, Travis was hoping to see what he would look like without a shirt. He could feel his muscles flexing on his back when he gave Travis a piggyback ride.

Jonas hesitated. Everett joked about him working out topless, but that was a lie. Last year he never took his shirt off around people, including the gym. He sighed and turned his back to them as he started to lift his shirt, unaware of the lustful gazes. He peeled the shirt off, revealing a muscle shirt. Travis gulped looking at his arms. They were completely sculpted.

Jonas moved and pulled off his muscle shirt, but while the shirt was over his head, he heard a click of a camera. He tossed the shirt to the ground and caught Travis with his phone out. "I can't help it. I mean... wow..." He said, staring at Jonas's backside.

Travis quickly moved and sent it to the group chat.

Travis: New eye candy
Brandon: Who the fuck is that
Roger: Jealous. Same question as Brandon
Hugh: Stop Travis! No one look!
Jaiden: I'm here in person and can't believe it
Hugh: STOP!
Jonas: Seriously?
Travis: Be proud of that body, Jonas

They only saw his back, but it was well defined and sculpted with muscle.  It was more than what other normal 17 year olds would have.  But concern flickered in their eyes when they saw a number of scars on his back.

Hugh ran and jumped onto Jonas' back. "Make them stop, sweetheart. I'm going to get jealous!"

Jonas twisted a little and threw Hugh on the couch. He landed on top of Hugh, one leg on the ground, the other between his thighs. His pulled Hugh's hands over his head, pinning him.


Then a new message.

Travis: I'm shipping it
Jaiden: Still here in person... and yeah... shipping it
Brandon: Shit
Rodgers: Hot
Millan: ...
Scott: Wow. I thought they were joking
Sam: Wow. No wonder he's a King
Carson: Um... Does this make me gay now???

Jonas grabbed Hugh's phone that fell to the ground and checked the messages. He showed it to Hugh before he sat up, creating a little distance between them. Hugh was now out of Jonas' grasp and grabbed his phone

Hugh: Mine!
Jonas: *Middle finger emoji*
Travis: Stanning this so hard right now
Hugh: *Middle finger emoji*

Jonas moved off of the couch and stood up, watching Hugh who was laughing uncontrollably. Hugh's eyes glanced over Jonas' front that was now exposed. He had a chiseled chest, abs for days, and a v-line so sharp it could cut someone. But the scars from his back carried over to his front. Especially a large scar from the lower part of his ribs to his hips. It was too jagged to be a surgical scar.

Although they had questions, they did not point it out. Hugh put on a smile. "Seriously, dude, why are you hiding all of this? Is that a tattoo?"

On his ribs were the words "Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men".

"Book of Five Rings." Jonas explained.

"Figures. I bet you don't even need these glasses." Hugh picked up the glasses Jonas always had on, and placed them on his face. "Called it. Non-prescription."

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