Chapter 3

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Jaiden forced Jonas to follow him to the cafeteria and sit with their group. He found that there were at least five more guys in the group and were joking around with Travis.  Jonas' eyes flicked towards Hugh, watching how he was lounging with his back against the table and laughing with someone he didn't know.

Everyone noticed him immediately and gave their cheerful greetings. But Jonas responded with his steely nod. He didn't interact much with the others and only listened into the conversations around him. A year of being a social outcast caused a drastic decline in his social skills.

While eating, one of the boys knocked on the table excitedly and got the others attention.  "Did you guys hear?  St. Vincent's Wolf disappeared.  Didn't show up today for school."

Jonas faltered for a moment, but continued eating. He was unaware that Hugh's perceptive eyes were watching him.

"How the fuck do you know what is happening at that school?"

The kid rolled his eyes.  "We all know someone who knows someone who goes there.  It's seriously the talk of the school today, both St. Vincent's and Hawkings."

Travis looked cautiously around the cafeteria.  "Do you think it's true?  You know, what they say about him?"

Hugh smirked a little, watching Jonas carefully.  "There are so many stories about the Wolf.  What have you heard?"

Travis knew a lot of gossip, things that Hawkings couldn't really obtain. The inner workings of St. Vincent's were kept under strict secrecy, but Travis could always find the rumors. He leaned in with a grin.  "He used to be pretty popular, a St. Vincent's Elite even, but he just went crazy one day.  Like something in his mind snapped.  He almost killed some kid about a year ago."

Jaiden scoffed.  "Everyone has heard about that. But I heard he tore the kid to pieces.  Literally.  Half the school needed therapy after that."

Travis rolled his eyes at the exaggeration and ignored Jaiden.  "They call him an untamed animal. He was only able to attend school after threatening the staff there. He told them he would kill their families if they tried to kick him out.  It was basically a hostage situation for an entire year.  Everyone was scared to approach him because of how strong and volatile he was. If you got in his way, he would run you down with no mercy.

"We can't say anything for certain about his strength. He never went up against a King, so his abilities are a mystery.  But there are plenty of rumors about him. Like how a student bumped into him and got hunted down like a dog, he even going to the extent of ripping a door off the hinges to get to that kid.  One time, he trapped a group in an abandoned classroom and destroyed them by slamming them into desks and shoving their heads through windows.  When the teachers tried to stop him, he attacked them too.  Didn't stop until he was restrained by five security guards.  They blocked it from the news, but he sent many people to the hospital last year."

Travis shuddered a little after recounting the rumors but continued. "From what I hear, the most disturbing thing about him are his eyes. They say that they are just dead and lifeless. A true killer... a Wolf."

Jonas sighed softly.  The truth was exaggerated.  However, he definitely had a lot of fights last year. It always ended with the kid provoking him crying on the ground and begging for forgiveness.  But it was Jonas who was always screwed in the end. 

His major fights last year that were memorable for both him and the school. The one at the beginning of the year that started everything, making him lose his Elite standing and became dubbed 'The Wolf'.  Then the beginning of the second term, he got caught in another fight in an abandoned classroom and was seriously wounded.  He was so angry that day and he fought through his injuries, hurting himself even more. 

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