Chapter 23

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Jonas and Hugh needed only a moment to steady their minds and focus on the issue on hand. They shared a knowing look for a moment and before turning back to their predicament.  They were still the five Kings versus 30 St. Vincent's students, and more were starting to straggle in.

Sam watched with a sharp look.  "Listen, we are asking that St. Vincent's calls off their Hunt.  It's a dangerous event and too many people get hurt every year."

Jackson laughed.  "You think you can stop us?"

Lukas also chuckled and rolled his eyes.  "You're delusional.  You will not stop decades of tradition because you don't like it."

Hugh growled.  "We're asking nicely once.  That's all you get."

"And we are respectfully declining your request." Lukas sneered. 

Jackson laughed loudly.  "The Hunt will continue.  But I'm ok with considering a Wolf Challenge instead." He gave a wink to Jonas before beckoning the others. "Come on guys!" 

Some of the St. Vincent's boys started to laugh cruelly, including Lukas.  Jonas tensed hearing about the challenge.  It was popular last year which caused endless daily torment for him.

Hugh gave Jonas a curious glance, but Jonas already masked his feelings.  The group started to disperse, but quite a few gave apprehensive looks to the five still standing in the center. 

Rodgers sighed.  "War it is then."

"Shit... really?"  A voice squeaked behind a car.  They all turned and saw the blonde curls bouncing a little.

"Travis! You were supposed to be in the car!" Millan yelled.  "They could have taken you again."

"Stop crying! I took the risk for a purpose.  Those assholes pay attention to social media, so we can make a statement that way."  He showed them his phone.  It was a new social media profile.

Username: King of Hawkings
Location: Hawkings School for Boys
Posts: 0
Following: 5
Followers: 2
About: Sam, Rodgers, Millan, Mad Dog Hugh, Wolf

The about section tagged each one of their individual profiles.  While looking at it, they saw more and more people start to follow the profile.  2 people to over 100 within moments.

They all knew that they could start making a statement like Jonas' Wolf profile.  Jonas was running his hand through his hair when he heard a camera click.  He turned towards the noise and gave Hugh a questioning look.

His ears turned a little pink.  "You need a face on your profile."  He sent of the picture to Jonas' phone.  Jonas gave him a small discreet smile and updated his profile.

Jonas changed his profile picture with the one that Hugh took.  He almost laughed when Hugh got caught trying to sneak a picture of him.  He mentally noted that he should take a picture of them together and add it to his desk. 

Hugh's picture showed Jonas with a serious look on his face, with a clenched jaw that accentuated his jaw line. The sharp line ran up to the seductive earring hanging from his ear.  The light reflected in his eyes, making them glisten a little as the sun was setting behind him. Hugh was hoping to keep it for himself, but when he got caught he spit out the first excuse he could think of.

Jonas made a couple of changes including the profile picture.  He also started to follow the other Kings and the page that Travis just set up.

Username: Wolf*
Location: Hawkings School for Boys
Posts: 3
Following: 5
Followers: 3,115
About: King of Hawkings

Travis grinned seeing the changes.  "Ok, the next part is tricky.  I was able to catch everything on video.  Well, starting from Jonas said something about huffing and puffing."

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