Chapter 13

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Night came quickly, and Jonas and Hugh snuck into The Bean Coffee shop. The cafe was quite large but had a cozy atmosphere. It had dark wood floors and tables, and walls lined with books. The chairs mismatched, but worked well with the decor. In the back was a stage with an upright piano.

They found a loveseat in a corner that had a good view of the stage, but was in a darker area to help hide their identities. Their faces were pretty well known for St. Vincent's students and the Bean Cafe was on the edge of what they called their territory.

Hugh wore a loose fitting sweater and a beanie hiding his silver hair. Jonas was wearing a loose long sleeve shirt, a baseball cap and his old glasses. Both were covering their tattoos that represented that they were Kings and tried to blend in.

Hugh was leaning against Jonas' arm and was sipping on his latte. "This place isn't bad. We should come here again."

"You do realize we're not in the best area for Hawkings." Jonas said quietly.

Hugh shrugged. "Yeah, but do you see anyone that can actually take us in a fight?  Where's your sense of fun?"

Jonas took a sip of his coffee and shook his head. He found it humorous that they both had already analyzed the room to find possible threats. But they were the best fighters at Hawkings, and not many could compete with them. "Are you telling me you want another date?"

"Only if you ask nicely."

Jonas brought his head closer to Hugh. "But do you really want our next date to be in the same place, babe?"

Hugh grinned. "You have a point. How about you join me for a family dinner tomorrow."

Jonas raised an eyebrow. "Meeting the parents? Already?"

Hugh groaned. "It's going to be terrible! You have to save me!"

"I feel like I have been tricked...I dont really get along with parents." He looked at Hugh's distressed face and sighed. "I suppose I can join."

Hugh grinned and leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Thanks sweetheart."

Jonas froze with the sensation, like it burned his cheek. But he also couldn't help but to think that those lips were incredibly soft.

Jonas took some time to process what happened and for his heart to stop pounding. He was going to give him a smartass remark but stopped when a younger kid in a St. Vincent's sweater come into the cafe. He had a huge a grin and a couple of friends surrounding him.

"Holy shit, he looks just like you. Just nerdier, and not as pissed off." Hugh whispered which got a chuckle from Jonas.

"Actually, that's exactly what I used to look like my Sophomore year. Except my hair was longer and I had a little bit more muscle."

"That's adorable." Hugh said, trying to imagine it. "But I like how you are now."

They both leaned back, and Jonas moved his arm so it draped around Hugh's shoulders and continued to drink his coffee. His eyes never leaving his younger brother. He tried to keep straight faced while his heart was racing uncontrollably being so close to Hugh, especially when he nestled his head in the crook of his arm. They stayed in this position as they watched his brother play jazz piano for about an hour.

When he was done, they clapped loudly with the cafe, Jonas with a proud smile on his face. During any breaks of his performance, Jonas would lean over to Hugh and tell him stories about him and his brother, showing how close they were.

Hugh grinned and leaned close to Jonas. "Go to the front and I will give your brother a message." He knew that they didn't talk often, not even though even text, but the feelings were there.

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